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  1. A refreshing, energetic take on a fairly tired concept. I like the strange proportions and even though I was hoping for an ogre scale, there's still enough height to make it work. The Karloff inspired headsculpts are really well done too. But the accessories in this set are my absolute favorite so far. There are so many applications here I can't wait to... experiment! Muhuhuwaha!!
  2. Willem cut a pretty entertaining version himself albeit a strange one some 25 years back.
  3. I love all the new accessories for this Alf, I just don't need yet another Alf figure lol.
  4. Even if he's not, wouldn't it be perfectly in character for CC to think he is the greatest? Not that he needs a great v-taper but it looks like they used different shoulders on the Retro than the HT version. I do prefer (what appear to be) crisper lines on the HTCC.
  5. It ought to be illegal to pose CC in a neutral stance. World dominating gestures are a must!
  6. This is the right scale for me, let's hope they don't skimp out on extras!
  7. Big fan of Road Pig myself. Ideally I'd like to get two, one for the boar mask and new weapon, and one with a more classic Retro look.
  8. Can't go wrong with the ultimate Conan soundtrack, great work!
  9. Nice Evil Lyn! This King Randor brought to you by Hostess Cupcakes. Not so happy to see they dropped Roboto's claw attachment.
  10. Thanks again guys, may you get the next one! Well, now that I have this extra boost, I think I'll put an order in for some serious FuRay Planet stuff like the Kensai rabbit and then maybe 20 some odd bucks off the Panda Brothers.
  11. I am gobsmacked! Thank you so much and I promise to spend it only on the best collectibles! This is a nice forum and I pledge not to mess it up.
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