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About lemure77

  • Birthday 03/04/1975

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  • Country
    United States
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  • Location
    logan, WV
  • Interests
    MOTUC, Sentinel Items, Thanos, Iron man, Fringe, Flashforward, Supernatural, House, Many types of Music, Silent Hill, and just about anything that makes me smile

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. full scale crypt keeper.
  2. Poroving that for at least a short time I can hold this thing up..lol
  3. Thanks JJ and Cmdr! I found a good sized Dowel at lowes. True it was 8 feet long but that is what the saw was for. I had some leather straps to wrap it with and painted a copper pipe sleeve to go up against the head. I did indeed make a wooden box to pour the mortar in. Didn't use concrete so I avoided the little pebbles showing up on the surface. I put several screws in the part of the handle embeded inside so it wouldn't slide out over time. To get the slanted look for the ends i picked up some trim with the right angle and midar sawed it into the right shape. The top I used a blister from some glow in the dark stars and poured plaster in that to give it the flat look. All together without the base seen in the new picture it comes in at just over 20 pounds
  4. Decided to make a really big paperweight and it turned into this.
  5. hey,

    I have a friend who has 8 of your wants which i will have the list today. Judges robes Q.

    Talk soon though. drop me an email at lemure77@yahoo.com

    Take it easy


  6. Hey all, I posted 2 new pics of the gate inside my created temple. It also includes the 1st found SG1 correct scaled custom of carter. Found a nice accurate looking Carter and took it apart painting the upper body and short sleeves the right color. lmk if you guy like Chad Still not done though..
  7. Good to see quite a few have been looking at the offworld. I have come close to completing the inner case turning it into a temple. Hopefully it looks good. I like it;) Still some flor work to do..probably sand and maybe some stones. Not sure yet. But I will be posting pics of the update soon. Also found the first of my closer to scale SG1 team members. Came accross and valor VS venom figure packed with croc master. She makes a perfect carter after just painting the upper body and the sleeves on her arms the more olive green military color. Clipping the gun she came with gives it mroe of the right type of gun look as well. Chad
  8. Hey, The gate is from the diamond select series 1 and 2 figs. I felt the gate was offscale so I just scaled the base to fit the right size for the gate. As for the dessert setting the plaster I use is pretty easy to paint. Basicaly just a diff color. I built the mold for the base and have used it twice now with decent success:) Still have no idea what to do with the side and background. and the ground is unknown as well. The joy of diorama creation. laughs Glad you liked! Chad
  9. The link at the bottom of all my posts now has all the other pictures to the bases I have done for the stargate. Enjoy
  10. Thanks Mr. T! Glad to hear approval instead of get a life..lol. Let me know if you would like other pics. Take care Chad
  11. Clear picture up now. enjoy
  12. It would seem I can't upload another pic in the reply. So I guess if anyone wants to see more pics please let me know.
  13. posted below but just in case you don't wish to crawl all the way down I posted 2 new pics on my site. More complete temple look. read below and lmk if you like now on to the main point Hi all, I know figures are the thing but I had to do this. I love the new stargate figures but the gate is horribly off scale. I have a card set from series 8 and it had a picture from one show that had a great looking offworld base. So with a couple of molds I built and a good amount of plaster of paris and painting and lord the amount of carving I came up with this. I have many more pics including darker pics that look pretty nice. I went with out that lets you see a bit more of the base. I intend to add the DHD comming out later and do some background painting and ground as well. not sure what to do with that yet but I wanted to show what I ahve as of now. Oh and my event horizon came from some clearish drying calk and plexi glass. more pics to come in a few. All criticisam is welcomed and email me if you would like more pics. I made 1 for myself and 1 for a friend. Chad Alright. here is a brighter one. Sheesh I hate learning programs form the beggining. Let me know what you guys think and hope this one is better for you Mr terrific:) lmk if you want more pics in the mail. Just hit the link for the pics of my stargate offworld base:)
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