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Everything posted by Animalchandler

  1. I used to be the same.Only into one superhero, now anything that fights crime is interesting to me.
  2. Mr Freeze - 'Batman and Robin' (1997) "Cool Party" "Chill" "The Iceman cometh!" "Tonight's forecast: a freeze is coming!" Thats all I'm saying...
  3. I chose series 10. Overall, the line has characters that I liked. Thy may not be my fav ones, but its the series in that I liked all the characters (though mystique is sorta scraping the barrel) plus the BAF of the sentinel is way better than the Galactus IMO. Plus Omega Red figure is beautifully sculpted.
  4. Stylish. I like that bats fig, one of the best ones out there - if you can find it.
  5. Cool set up you got there. Resi evil is one of my fav games of all time.
  6. I think big's right... I've seen that sketch before for a sentinel on the extras for either the first or second film as concept sketch. I think initially they were going to put them in one of the previous films. Can't remember which one tho, will get back to you on that. Well jokes on him anyway, its the 6th...
  7. In celebration of the new series of Doctor Who coming to British screens at 7:15 on saturday 15th April, BBC 3 is showing the first of the new series again with Chris ecclestone as the 9th Doctor starting on the 6th April at 7pm with 'Rose' followed by 'The End of the world'. Also the BBC is presenting a Doctor Who night on sunday 9th of April, with a new 'confidential' documentary, a repeat of 'The Christmas Invasion', and a documentary from 2003 'The story of Doctor Who'.
  8. Yeah I agree here, all these extra characters and plot devices means there is a chance that the general telling of the story could suffer. I'm hoping (though I don't expect) that this film isn't just all about the "I know that name and power of the mutant on the second row back fourth from the end", but I'm not that cynical, just concerned how all these wonders that have been told to us are going to fit in this film. I did think about apocalyse being in this, as mentioned in one of my earlier posts, what with angel and 'cure', but then there is the possiblity that they could do what spidey 3 'supposedly' is doing and have the villain of the next film introduced at the end of this film. Regardless, I'm looking forward to it, as all you guys are too.
  9. Green Arrow OYL is a little slow, talks about what's happened Star City mostly from the POV of a news bulletin. Picks up at the end tho in a rather startling discovery...
  10. Classic Marvel figurine collection This is the link for the company that produces the magazine, its all there. Its not a Helioclix game or anything, just small models for show. Its a really good collection. On the website is also pictures of the ones we've had already and the ones coming up. Like I said in a previous post, they aren't on general release in the US, though I don't know for sure if they will accept subscriptions and post there. No harm in enquiring I guess.
  11. This is a good site. One of my friends used this site to do a jump last year. She loved it, and its a good cause.
  12. I heard that. Did it run its publication course? The same company did a lord of the rings set as well, which I've heard was ok. Star wars I was surprised about tho. Altho, I have to admit I didn't get them. I could see a DC version having lots of potential, and with JLU finishing, it could tie in with that, although we'd want them in the orignal comic book style rather than JLU. Would love a Dr Fate one.
  13. I have the new sonic screwdriver which I'm always finding new things to use it on. Apparently the Doctor Who production team took asked for the designs and moulds the the toy so they could use it in the show. It's a good shape and size, and obviously more robust than the one that was used in the show. Out of the figures the 10th doctor is looking like mt fav. Argos do an exclusive 10th doctor in the 9th doctor's clothes from 'parting of the ways pt 2' and the children in need special. Also, the TARDIS set looks very good.
  14. Oh, hold on, I managed to take out the elephants that were obviously stuck in my eyes as I didn't see that the other thread answered my question. Mystery over.
  15. The classic Marvel figurine collection is a magazine that profiles a marvel character every 2 weeks and with it you get a lead figurine of the character. You get a profile, quick history of the character, memorable battles and comic covers, history of the artwork and writing, enemies and allies of the character. Basically its a run down of who, what when, why, how of the character, plus a cool figurine. You can also buy stands for your lead figurines for display. The figures stand a few inches high and are pretty good quality most of the time. The collection is available to the UK and a variation of it in spain I think (?). Its a very good collection. As for a DC version, I would love one, but not yet, as I wouldn't be able to afford it.
  16. Holy moley! you've just told me what I used to play with. for the life of me I couldn't remember what this line was called.
  17. Man toys were good back then...
  18. Man thats alot of stuff. Your Nightmare before christmas items are really good. I have a question. What line were the little figures from that only have the moving arms? the ones where they have the sitcker on that you rub and the heat from your fingers makes a picture appear, most of them are holding weapons. As I found one when I was toy hunting once, you have him too...the guy on the top row, next to the yellow giraffe type one and the orange and white one. He's orange and has a green hand. You have two of him. I found him in a centurions lot and wondered what he was. Thanks
  19. Bucky O Hare was great! I used to have Bucky and dead eye, though I think I sold them (curses!) but when I was looking round my room I found a complete toad trooper, a willy Duit (missing his glasses) and toad air marshal (he had a way out of propertion gun for some reason). Over here in the UK Bucky O Hare was released on dvd, the whole series, which I promptly bought. It was a comic originally I think, and alot more violent - was dumbed down for kids on the cartoon and the comic release of the cartoon continuity. Yeah there are still fans of it on the net, they continue with stories about the figt between the mammals and the toads. Here's the link Bucky o hare and the toad wars Give it a look, they've made new characters and stuff Yes! now that I loved, and I had Toxie, Nozone (who was my fav) a radiation ranger, the toxic surf board/ catamaran thing and the hovercraft that made a wierd niose as you rolled it along. I found out years after that is was based on 'the toxic avenger' from the 80's. I would've been too young to remember the first film, so I don't know if it came out on general release or not. I'm assuming that the sequals went straight to vid, and I remember looking through some dvds marked 'B' movies and saw 'the toxic avenger' read the back and thought, that was the plotline for 'toxic crusaders' I still have a comic of it somewhere that I bought when the figures came out. I read it recently actually, and the humour was pretty grown up. was pretty surprised. Now if you handed me a petition to bring back the Centurions toyline BAM! there's my name. I won a complete boxed hornet for 54 pounds, which is about 80 dollars? was really pleased with it.
  20. Knightmare on Elm street. Mace Windu vs Qui gon
  21. As in fans have accepted him as being the GL. I read initially that Kyle wasn't as accepted as much because he wasn't Hal. Just wondered about the kyle 'climate'
  22. Seems like a lot is going into this one then. Sentinels and stuff. It also mentions angel and the cure, and some 'emotional' stuff with him, Is apocalyse gonna be in there too with his four horsemen as well? that would be another storyline!
  23. I feel alot better knowing that people have the same ideas as me on some of the human rights that aren't granted to some people in our society, purely because other people cannot, or will not see the fundamental issues. Arrow's point about the reasons for marriage is spot on, the reasons for marriage have changed, or at least there are more reasons now than what were then. Society is evolving, as it always has, and this is one of the results of it. In the same way, the individual needs to be able to adapt to live in the society that is evolving around them.
  24. Rather than quote the whole of your comments, I'll quote this as the encapsulated thought and go from there. I think there's a missed opportunity being overlooked here. You speak about gay marriages and adoptions as "taking away something" or blurring lines and creating an "anything goes" society--but does it really? Isn't there an opportunity to promote the dignity of the individual, or personal respect for all persons rather than thinking there is something wrong or lacking in people? I mean if a loving relationship is worth promoting/fostering, then why does the same involving same-genders deserve less? If there's moral lessons to be imparted to youngsters, isn't it that who you are is beyond what you do in the bedroom? Sodomy is a pretty primitive excuse for the breakdown of civilization--its a mindset that's come from a very different human era. The social drives 2000 years ago met very different requirements, at least compared to those of the modern western world. With the ready means we, and our children, have in communicating GLOBALLY--something even our grand-parents lacked--we have an oportunity to share a concept not really explored in human civilization before: the acceptance of diversity. Only 50 years ago were great strides taken in racial matters--alot of the "notions" about race fell by the wayside to no detriment to society. There was a LOT of chatter amongst the ignorant about desegregation leading to mixed marriages and the fall of civilization. Hasn't happened has it? That kind of diversity made us stronger. Now there's another opportunity to strenghten ourselves: gender-preference. How can the INCLUSION of that as a fundemental right ( including marriage) weaken society? Procreation? That's a non-issue, as the vast majority of married persons will still be opposite genders and most will likely procreate. Confusion of family roles? Poppycock, as children today have access to far more "confusing" material on a global scale and seem to manage it all quite handily. Subversion of religious more? Whats the value of maintaing something soley for maintenance? The core principles of respecting human dignity still remain in the church, and parents can STILL show the expanded human paradigm reflects that. How can that be subversive? That it doesn't adhere to something that's been adhered to for 2000 years?? Truth be told, humankind was much the same until the last 100 years. Communication is the new paradigm and its changing the scope of EVERYTHING. Let's face it, the little keyboard and monitor in front of us is the new genie in the bottle and the cork's not only off, but the dang thing's been tossed away. Ain't nuthin' is capping this bottle anytime soon--this is a given. The world our kids will inhabit is set up by us........and the legacy we leave them is what they work with to teach their own kids. I spend far less time telling my kids what's wrong, than I do what's right. I let them make their mistakes, then I tell them why it was a mistake. If its something pretty awful they are headed towards.....I give them a caution....just so they know them's troubled waters ahead. Most of all, I teach them that though people make mistakes and some mean to hurt, most folks are pretty good. The MAJORITY are pretty good. There's some sick things out there. There's some evil things out there. There's reasons for those things. I do my best to explain the paths those kinds of people/things took to the best of my reasoning. Sometimes I have answers, sometimes not...........but the core of it all is that dingity of the self and others is the currency that will save us all. Humanity isn't tribal any more--society has come too far to revert to that kind of thinking. Us versus them works right now, under certain circumstances..........but that's NOT the kind of future our kids can inherit. I don't want my kids to inherit the same kind of world my father/grandfather/great grandfather knew..........I want them to have something better. Hence, a different kind of thinking I want to leave them with. If that means looking at gays differently than they have been looked at in the past 2000 years, then that's what I'm all about. Hey, we both "accept" gays, but why not accept them marrying or adopting? Acceptance with conditions isn't acceptance, its tolerance. Tolerance isn't freedom, its restricted oppression. If some of the ideals we have about freedom ( including personal freedoms) are genuine, then some more open-thinking is probably going to be needed. There's a lot of talk about dignity, freedoms and personal betterment in the charters that define our modern nations........but what do those words REALLY mean, and to whom do they refer to? I doubt exclusion was in the minds of the authors. As I said before there's some opportunities to build upon ideas that are taken for granted, but cormerstone ideas good people share nontheless. As much as some might think gays represent a failing or illness of society, I strongly think there's a pretty powerful representation of the strengths of society in gays as well. BAM! Arrow makes the points that i have held dearest to myselfc ever since I decided that I wasn't just a human being, but a human doing, thinking, loving, etc. It's true we are all the same but different, but the true difference lies in which one of those you put your faith in. I'm guessing that Arrow puts his faith in what makes us all the same, and the great things that come out of that belief in the same way that I do.
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