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Everything posted by joefreak

  1. I'm 58, never married and live with my mum in an apartment. Still a virgin , never had a steady job , I'm over weight , extremly lazy but you know what? as long as I have my GI joes I wouldn't have it any other way. @loll@
  2. Cobra infantry six packs are peg warmers here in sydney australia.Nearly every TRU here has a good 50 packs in stock.
  3. Great review as always. Poo Poo figs though.
  4. In 1987 Christmas eve my Dad took me to a toy aisle like this and said "son , either take your pick of $300 worth of G.I Joes or you can have a bike." Because I was always teased at school for not owning a bike I went with the bike. The worst mistake I have ever made in my life.
  5. Smalljoes.com , Not the best prices but they're always super fast without any headaches.
  6. I'm holding on hope that one day soon I will get a new sculpt Rock'n'Roll . I don't want hasbro to put his head on a Major barrage body either, just a new original sculpt. Also a comic pack version of Falcon.Do they even have his original sculpt? After that I would't complain what happens.
  7. Thanks for waking me up DavAnthony , I must not fall to the evil temptation of hasbro.What was I thinking.
  8. You know what? Now that there is so much sigma 6 stuff being released I am actually starting to like them.I may convert to this line if the 3 3/4 inch stuff doesn't start to pick up.
  9. screams star wars to me.
  10. I found this auction of some bb1 elite force figs.Thier waists seem to have diferent articulation but I can't make it out.Do they look like they could be o-ringed?? Have a look.BBI-Elite-Force
  11. In the MC site it says the original parts went missing in india. Anyway, the original post is a direct quote from MC itself.
  12. When will people get over the desert camo crap? I like the new head though.Even if it looks a lil weird , the fact that its a new head is kind of a surprise.
  13. I've decided to make a rock'n'roll custom and I want to make his size accurate.Now as a heavy gunner I assume he's a big guy but how big was this character? Roadblock seems like hes close to 7ft in the comics and heavy duty looks an exagerated 9ft in sigma 6. Was rock'roll ever a really tall guy or was he just an average height bodybuilder? Appreciate any help.Thanks.
  14. Doesn't look so imposing next to Major barrage.Neither do any other of his molds.I want a bigger tougher Roadblock hasbro.
  15. Snow Serpent (New Sculpt)
  16. Half of spy troops and half of Valor vs venom would have made one great wave.As for joe vs cobra? I'd say heavy duty was well represented in this wave, even though it's a T-crotch.
  17. Falcon??? Looks more like a Pigeon to me. I think I'm over gi joe now.
  18. 2-1/2 inch??????? Why not 3-1/4inch damit those vehicles would have been so great for my collection.
  19. joefreak

    VOTC GI Joes

    Vintage Original Trilogy Collection.
  20. by the time yodasnews.com opened up I went nuts. Cool figuers though.
  21. Thanks Custo thats the one I was after.Appreciate you all helpin out .
  22. I remember a a website where a guy made 1/18 scale dioramas that were displayed at conventions.He also took in projects from the public and sold them off.Anyone remember this site? I've totally forgotton it.Appreciate any help.
  23. I love the set , But I'm worried about the poor paint apps.Looks dodgy in some areas if you look close.
  24. Thats alot better.But I'm still thinking a black mask.Great work though.
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