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  1. For the last six years I've been waiting for a brand new original sculpt Falcon. Thats all I want.He can be based on the vintage or be modern but just release Falcon damit. No more Dukes, storm shadows or snake eyes please. Actually I'd even settle for just a new sculpted Falcon head on that jungle assault Dukes body.
  2. Falcon single pack Night force Falcon Desert camo Falcon Urban Camo Falcon Falcom 6 - pack (Falcon troop builder) Falcon comic 2 pack (with jungle ops Faclon and woodland camo Faclon) Oh and I was thinking maybe they should release another snake eyes what do you guys think? Maybe an all pink repaint with purple dots?
  3. I thought what we got at toy fair sucked simply because I didn't see a Falcon.Thats how badly I want a Falcon. It has got to the point where Hasbo could release an all new true 1/18 scale 100% accurate flagg and I'd be still pissed if no Falcon was shown. It's just one friggen figure,how hard is it? I mean we get 2 more friggen snake eyes sculpts.Someone at Hasbro must have some fetish over snake eyes.C'mon Hasbro you didn't give us a Falcon in Joe vs Cobra, Valor Vs Venom, comic packs or the DTC.Did you guys lose the rights to his name? just release him as Lt Faclone or MR green Beret or junkie trooper or whateva the hell just release one please.
  4. I don't know what the delay with Falcon is. If you look at the original sculpt and take away all the belts and accessories that were molded onto the sculpt you would have a pretty generic looking soldier in standerd BDU"s. Since the 25th line belts and accessories are all removable,an all new sculpt Falcon would be well worth while budget wise for hasbro to be reused to make more modern greenshirts or any other character as much as the Snake Eyes mold. At the end of the day, I just want my bloody Falcon.
  5. Nice,realy nice. BUT I was really hoping to see a new Falcon. That would really have made my day.
  6. I'm just sitting here on my PC hitting the refresh button every 5 minutes
  7. A greenshirt in the background in the 1st scene. Ideally a blueshirt that gets his neck snapped between scarlets thighs.
  8. New sculpt Falcon?? nah too good to be true.Falcon will be a snake eyes body with new head, viper sleeves and new accessories.If it is a repaint of flint then F$%# you hasbro.
  9. Give the license to Generals joes or Cobras inner sanctum.
  10. Give the lack of Falcon releases over the years, I would like a Falcon troop builder set. Then I can create my dio where my army of falcons invade the joe HQ and kill Duke and take over.
  11. Go and get an erotic massage.
  12. Um... Am I the only ##$%$# that wants a new Falcon?
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