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  1. Really wanted the GL,but when I left work it already sold out. It was not but a minute or two after it had been released too. Sucks being a lantern fan,because they always sell out fast.
  2. It makes me mad that he finally does a female character and makes the head sculpt look terrible. Also the costume is the worst one she has. He should've used the same outfit Mafex used.
  3. MASK stuff that's affordable. That sounds awesome. Ramen made good stuff,but I can't afford $200 for stuff in MASK scale. Those guys were tiny. So the cars weren't like huge.
  4. I don't remember having any Beast kingdom that didn't have a wired cape.
  5. They are all just peg warmers in my area. There's still several from the first wave still hanging at all 3 local Walmarts,and the vehicles all got put on clearance for $10 because they weren't moving.
  6. If this movie would've been based entirely on Eternia,instead of most of it on Earth as they've claimed I'd actually be hyped. Earth has no place in MOTU. More universes,great. Earth,not so good, and the reason the first movie wasn't so good in the first place. I still watch it sometimes,but I'm a MOTU junky. Still not hyped about this like I was the last cartoon before it came out. Mainly because it was based where every single MOTU cartoon was based,Eternia or Eternia adjacent.
  7. Why would you make an army builder a chase figure? That may just be the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
  8. The Phantasm is really the only one I want out of those. They haven't really put our a ton of Phantasm figures.
  9. I have found myself buying way less McFarlane because he keep over pricing everything the last 8 months or so. I'd rather spend a little more and get a Mafex,Yamaguchi, or Mezco. It's hard for me to turn down lanterns though. That's one of my weaknesses. I know Killowog is a Mega figure,but so was Doomsday w/Superman,& It didn't cost $70.
  10. Gotta love a bbts contest. Lord knows I buy enough from there.
  11. I usually like these accent figures,and have 4 of them. This one however seems kind of boring and lazy to me.
  12. Well sold out and I just got out of work. That suxxz. Sold out before I even knew she was up for preorder. Already for sale on Ebay too. I really hate scalpers and their bots.
  13. And the Superman vampire only took 6 months to finally release after the intial promos. Without any formal release date,or even letting anyone know when they did finally drop. Just silence,even when I contacted Walmart 3 days before they did release Supes Vamp they told me they had no idea. Just saw him show up on Ebay one night was the only reason I knew he'd released. Not sure about that business model for highly sought after exclusive to your store toys.
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