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  1. . . . Are they |=@(%ing joking? $250 . . . for . . . a GATE. Like . . . don't get me wrong, the COMPLETE SET, post-10,000 backers . . . MIGHT . . . ONLY MIGHT . . . be worth $250. But if it doesn't hit the stretch goals? WORTHLESS. It's a GATE, and a truck that has already been released before at retail. ANY half-decent custom terrain builder could make the gate for, like, $50 bucks TOPS. Motors and lights and sounds? Maybe another $50, MAYBE. Nowadays, custom electronics on that level aren't expensive. And you can get the truck for, like, $40 online nowadays, WITH a T-Rex included! (Not the nice new Hammond T-Rex, but THAT'S not hard to come by either!) A lot of companies seem to utterly fail to comprehend the concept of "initial offering value vs stretch goal added value," but Mattel? As usual, they Matty things up, this is the WORST disparity I've ever seen! . . . It's a BIG. PLASTIC. DOOR. FFS!!
  2. Are these 6" SCALE, or 6" TALL. 'Cuz Mega Man is, like, 4-5 feet tall on a GOOD day, canonically speaking. Just want to know if he'll fit with any of my previous figures.
  3. That's nice and all, but I WANT A COMPARISON PHOTO, FFS NECA!! Let's see her compared to the original mini-April. Did you make the body bigger? Or make the head smaller, so she's not out of proportion, but still too small? Or did you alter both and find a happy medium? . . . And yes, that neck is absurd, but fixing that is still a lot more manageable than replacing April's ENTIRE BODY was for the last head sculpt, so . . . let's see the actual size side-by-side, thank you!
  4. I am . . . SLIGHTLY disappointed . . . and GENUINELY surprised. But not SHOCKED. I thought it was a perfectly decent show. NOT a perfectly PERFECT show, by any means, and ABSOLUTELY not a great follow-up to the movie. As noted by others, it had a RIDICULOUSLY hard time trying to figure out what it wanted to be, and never quite managed it. I thought it was good enough for what it was, standing on its own. But in the framework of the original film? KINDA mediocre, honestly. Still, I am surprised it got cancelled because (to this point) Disney+ hasn't had an issue leaning into and sticking with its projects, seeing them all the way through. And especially leaving it off with a cliffhanger . . . didn't see that coming. Nevertheless, given the price of the endeavor, and the lukewarm reception from fans, it's not TOO surprising that they'd cut bait early.
  5. Also, someone want to explain to me why there are TWO mutant flies in this movie? Or are we just . . . not doing that with Baxter Stockman this go around?
  6. Wait! Wait wait . . . . . . . The voice of (remake) Pumbaa . . . is now Bebop? Like . . . like this? . . . Well, say this for Rogen, he knows how to really land a meta-joke! (credit ArsonsArtAsylum on DeviantArt for the image)
  7. CORRECT headline: CEOs And Do-Nothing Investors Pay For Multi-Million Dollar Salaries And Portfolios By Screwing Customers And Employees. #FTFYTNI
  8. Lotus was in exactly two episodes of the original cartoon. She is essentially a proto-Karai (who didn't appear in the Mirage Comics until AFTER her appearance in the cartoon, and was name-changed to avoid any legal disputes, since Lotus was wholly a creation of the cartoon writers). She beat Shredder, took over the Foot Clan for a minute, then had some romantic tension with Leonardo before switching sides and allying with them . . . all traits that Karai would display in later comics and cartoons. (Also, on translation of Karai's name is "flower bud," so the inspiration is pretty clear.) Chakahachi is . . . a goofy wizard ghost that appears in one episode and tries to force Lotus to marry him. 'Cuz that series was WEIRD, man! It is NO surprise that nobody remembers these characters. *LOL*
  10. The TMNT/Stranger Things crossover 2-packs. . . . They're not GREAT, but they ARE new sculpts. The newest figures before that? This Shredder and this Triceraton, both in their original 2-packs with the re-release Classics Collection Turtles.
  11. You know what's awesome? When NECA offers their TMNT figures for sale on their website directly, and people can just buy it, and not worry about scalpers and time limits. Good times.
  12. Oh hey, look at that, Todd McFarlane fudging numbers to claim he's selling more than Marvel. Gee, where have I heard THAT story before. *cough-cough-SPAWN-cough* The more things change. #90sAllOverAgain
  13. Yay for crates 3 and 4 and oh, hey, are we getting crate 2 and the bonus figure in this @#$%ing lifetime maybe? Asking for a ME.
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