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  1. Anything with Lily Singh is not anticipated by me. I hope this is good as I've always loved the Muppets, but Disney has never been able to recapture what made this property great
  2. If they make it a cool looking figure that fits with the line they are offering, id buy it. I love MOTU for the cool and crazy character designs, not solely nostalgic connection.
  3. Street sharks? Uh....yes please! Storm would be perfect for these due to their bulk and how the softer plastic overlays allow for the best articulation
  4. They had a great idea of splitting heman, skeletor and all the other characters into their own skus and waves. But somehow we are still stuck with huge quantities of heman and skeletor with virtually no sign of anyone else. Not sure how this solution was handled so poorly. I think the various green colors on masterverse mossman blend together much more nicely in hand than the promo pics showed.
  5. Brian Flynn's last interview he stated that Usagis rights ended up being more complicated than originally thought and that because there was new media coming for him Super7 couldnt produce a figure at this time.
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