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About Nickg253

  • Birthday 08/22/1986

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    United States
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    toys, photography, mixed media art, music, interesting conversation.

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  1. Does anyone know if there's still options out there to replace the Darth Revan rubber cape and hood? The more simple, the better however any solution is better than the stock option.
  2. My girlfriend inherited from her mom an old barbie with a case and a bunch of old barbie clothes. Half of them are branded and half were apparently homemade from old school barbie clothing templates. Anyone have an idea of what it could be worth? Not looking to sell, just curious.
  3. Awesome! I have a delta trooper with the extra kit on pre-order but I would like to get my hands on the first wave selection for sure.
  4. Back after a few month absence. Moved to a new state, let's hope the figure pickens' are better here! Good luck to all.
  5. I have yet to pick up any of this line, but they look great!
  6. March again already!? Hope everyone is safe out there and good luck to everyone! A lot of cool stuff coming out in the near future!
  7. Good luck to all! Here's to a fresh year of amazing figures and a great community to share the passion with!
  8. My area has somebody that goes around and scalps anything within 30 miles of Seattle I swear. I would totally buy these otherwise!
  9. Congratulations to @ghostbogey A great time for some credit with all the releases coming soon! Good luck to everyone.
  10. Articulation... check! Accessories... CHECK! Camera ready with tons of different options... SUPER CHECK!! This is a great figure. I'll take more shots soon.
  11. Great shots! I'm really excited about this set. I really felt like I missed out after I (stupidly) passed on the original Popeye.
  12. Anybody here back the razorcrest? I don't collect 3.75 but the detail is wicked for sure!
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