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  1. I haven't heard of Threezero before but they sure do look an awful lot like Hot Toys. Telling from the quality of the figure.
  2. Whoa, that looks so AWESOME! I love Hot Toys and I love this figure. I don't think I'll ever buy this though since I'd rather save my savings for Avengers Annihilation Hot Toys. Or Infinity War figures.
  3. Looks awesome! Though I don't know about the price. I don't think I have enough space for statues anyway even if I did have the money.
  4. I don't have Crash Bandicoot yet but if I did have it and liked it to the point where I buy some figures for it, I think I'll get the Neca version.
  5. BBTS store credit. That's not the only reason I'm on this site though btw.
  6. I don't have Twitter but I might just make an account to follow. Maybe.
  7. What a waste of money. (for me). i just don't like basic figs. Articulation is a big selling point in collecting action figures.
  8. Never heard of Spyro before. I ain't buying this, what's the point.
  9. I don't think I have enough room in my room or my wallet to collect WWE figs. I think I good with the current toy lines I collect.
  10. Damn that bike looks so sick. Too bad Figma's price point is a little too high for me. Also I have no interest collecting Anime.
  11. i've never looked into G. I. Joe. so not interested in owning any of these. For the figures themselves, they could've used some more elbow articulation.
  12. This site has expanded so much! I'm glad to see this. I bet a lot of the credit goes to Jay C and his contests, it's what got me started on this.
  13. That's awesome! I think a lot of Overwatch fans will like this. Also for people who can't buy the figma figs I think this could be a great alternative.
  14. These contests were fun, congrats to GojiBill. Dude's lucky he won this and the 2 Marvel Legends waves last summer.
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