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  1. Again, not much to say from me about Kingdom Hearts or the characters. But I do notice this dude looks like an emo Santa.
  2. I don't know a lot about kingdom Hearts who this Sora is but I for one do think the articulation does look great.
  3. Oh those were the good times watching these animated Christmas movies and watching the Nick specials. Though I don't celebrate this holiday for many reasons, It'd still be nice to get presents. Help a lot for my collection.
  4. Surprisingly I haven't watched GOT yet but it looks like a really good show. These look good tho.
  5. I'm not a fan of horror movies and I'll never watch one EVER. Cool talking feature by the way.
  6. Can't wait to see this movie. Really liked the first one but I hope this won't be another product placement movie like the Emoji movie.
  7. It's my younger child hood coming to figure form. What could be better than this?
  8. CowBoy Bebop? Never heard of it. Not super interested anyways.
  9. Not a huge POP collector but the walk-through for this game wasn't half bad. Still not gonna get these tho, just a waste of money for me.
  10. I'm really excited for this. This figure looks phenomenal and I love it when half of the box is filled with accessories.
  11. This really did pop out straight from the comics. Paint looks nice and I like the pose they put him in.
  12. Not exactly what I would buy for myself but maybe for my 4-8 year old self. Non the less it looks fun.
  13. The Super-Man and the Flash are probably my favorites. Love the sculpts on all of these but I don't think I'll get any since I'm not that flexible in collecting.
  14. That is one sick bike man. Though I'd imagine the price point would be too high for me anyways as I don't know the character, It wouldn't be that worth it.
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