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About jamarmiller

  • Birthday 10/24/1975

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    Kitakami, Japan / Port Richey, Florida
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  1. Several more previews have been posted over at BFTB forums http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=75&sid=49273b0959220d0ca58ab9ccca78bdff only a few more left to go ! This will be the last I post of these updates, for the rest just check out the BFTB link above Happy Holidays everyone
  2. M.A.S.K. Fata Morgana Preview & Pre-order Issue #10 Synopsis: WARNING SOME OF THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. WARNING SOME OF THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS
  3. C.O.P.S. World War III Interludes #4 Preview & Pre-order Issue #4 Synopsis: WARNING SOME OF THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS #4 The War has come to Empire city as Cobra Invades ! And the only ones in Cobra's way is THE C.O.P.S. can Bullet Proof, Long Arm, Mace, Mainframe, Mirage, Sundown, Highway and the rest of the team stop terrorist armed with advance M.A.R.S. tech and tanks ? ! And the man who sprung Big Boss from Prison, finally reveals his true self and demands payment for his services ! $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. WARNING SOME OF THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS
  4. Action Force World War III Interludes #5: Issue Synopsis: Cobra has attacked the United States and as as England and France begins operations to send help to the Americans, Cobra invades the UK and France. The first comic appearance by Action Force in over 20 years was a one panel cameo ( which featured Hunter, Quarrel, Moondancer, and Blades ) in GI JOE America's Elite #30 by Devils Due Publishing. The events that happened seconds before that panel and the subsequent events that followed are finally told. Previews are coming NEXT WEEKEND but I wanted to show everyone the DDP pages that this stories starts with ( Actually it starts /happens before and After these two pages ). That first page was the first comic page to show Action Force in a US publication and other than our own comics was the first Action Force Cameo in over 20 years. For many of us it was a BIG moment. So it was very important to me to tell the rest of the story since we only saw one panel of our heroes. Preview Below : http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=136172#p136172
  5. Action Man World War III Interludes #2 Preview & Pre-order Issue #2 After several events ( that happen in the other issues of Action Force WORLD WAR III Intlerudes ) Action Man finds himself hot on the heals of Natalie Poole's kidnappers, the RED SHADOWS. The trail takes him to Siberia and then finally to Japan, where an end game takes place, all amidst the entire WORLD WAR , which only complicates things more. Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=11087
  6. Action Force World War III Interludes #3 Preview & Pre-order Issue #3 After being ordered to follow a lead to Argentina concerning the possible whereabouts of the RED SHADOWS, Eagle meets the Argen 7 and past ghost , secrets, and still existing grudges are confronted. Why did Eagle abandon Glenda ? And why did he not attend her funeral ? Those answers are finally revealed just as Eagle learns of something hat will change his life forever, something Glenda left behind in the care of the Argen 7. Plus as the war starts, a Tomb Raider is dragged into the War. http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=11086
  7. Pre-orders are now open for : 1. Mask World War III Interludes #2 ( Cover A and Cover Pre-orders will close February 1st Each issue is 7 dollars ( PLUS shipping) . Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but dont count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. thanks to all who had a hand in making these 3 issues happen. Okay and now the preview and Solicits MASK WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #2 SYNOPSIS #2. VENOM's mission changes and Matt Trakker and M.A.S.K. takes notice. Witness the first ever clash between the forces of MASK and VENOM, all while World War III Erupts in the middle of Washington D.C.! See Preview Here: http://www.matt-trakker.com/forums/index.php?topic=2062.msg19527#new
  8. C.O.P.S. World War III Interludes #2 Preview/Pre-order Open As always it is $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 C.O.P.S. World War III INTERLUDES SYNOPSIS #2 The Pranksters are defeated but their two leaders Spigot and Pftt are missing and are seeking revenge on the COPS ! Victory and love are celebrated just as death surrounds everything. And then Boston happens ! Also Mace gets deeper inside Big Boss's organization but is it too late ! Plus the continuation of the ACTION FORCE TOMORROWS HEROES Storyline ! Which continues as the battle to save the President heats up and gets personal. C.O.P.S. Fighting Crime in a Dangerous Time ! Issue #2 COPS CROOKS AND SNAKES Preview http://copshq.generalsjoes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1342#top Find more info about obtaining your copy at the link above
  9. Action Force World War III Interludes #2 Preview & Pre-order Pre-order NOW BEGINS / Ends February 1st 2012 Action Force World War III Interludes #2 Ground Zero, aka THE COFFIN, serves as both a prison housing the most dangerous terrorist in the World, and as the Operational planning base for Action Force. And as Cobra begins World War III Cobra Commander orders an attack the coffin------ to release its operatives in one way or another ! The event that Devils Due was not allowed to show, finally gets told and the death count is high. But that is only part of the story as Commander Roston chances everything. Plus Action Man's tale from Action Man World War III Interludes #1 Continues $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. Check out the preview here: http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&p=135430&sid=72d339a03c3e5bbde45730f145868995#p135430
  10. Pre-order NOW BEGINS / Ends February 1st 2012 THE OKTOBER GUARD World War III Interludes Series Issue #1 In GI JOE America's Elite World War III series by Devils Due Publishing We were given glimpses of the Oktober Guard throughout the series, but only glimpses. Devils Due showed them popping up in various places, in Russia throughout their series, but never why, and what they were doing leading us to believe they had a major part to play but never telling us. Now their story is finally told and the importance they played in World War III is finally revealed. Plus the Conclusion to the Action Force World War III Interludes Invasion storyline is concluded in INVASION PART 3. $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. For the Preview go here : http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=11019
  11. Pre-order NOW BEGINS / Ends February 1st 2012 THE ARGEN 7 WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #1 #1 Rumours begin to swirl that the Red Shadows have returned to Argentina. Something the Argen 7 cannot have. As they embark on a long journey into the Jungles of South America, they are joined by an Indian Contact who serves as their guide through the Jungle and takes them to the heart of the matter. Past secrets are revealed, love blossoms and death awaits. $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. BEFORE WE SHOW THE PREVIEW OF THIS ISSUE, I WANTED TO SHOW THIS PAGE FROM THE DDP COMICS Because Our story picks up from the last panel and tells the REST OF THE STORY SO FIRST, the DDP page And now the Preview ! Enjoy ! http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=11007&p=135219#p135219
  12. Pre-order NOW BEGINS / Ends February 1st 2012 Action Force World War III INTERLUDES SYNOPSIS #1 Action Force has returned From the Middle East. With the knowledge that the Red Shadows are back and are as powerful as before. The Red Shadows want Revenge and have targeted Action Force Members. But unknown to Action Force an internal struggle is still brewing in the ranks of the Red Shadows and a deadly game of follow the crumbs will begin. $7 dollars an Issue Pre-order period ends February 1st 2012 Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. WARNING SPOILERS BELOW http://bloodforthebaron.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=75&p=135259#p135259
  13. Pre-orders are now open for : 1. Mask World War III Interludes #1 ( Cover A and Cover Pre-orders will close February 1st Each issue is 7 dollars ( PLUS shipping) . Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but dont count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. thanks to all who had a hand in making these 3 issues happen. Okay and now the preview and Solicits MASK WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES SYNOPSIS #1. The Origins of MASK and VENOM have partially been revealed before ( see the MASK comics from Kenner and the MASK series from D.C. Comics ) but key points were missing and never told . Now those points are finally told and the powers that are behind them are shocking. Agent Faces's (who was reported as "Location Classified" during the GI JOE World War III Series by Devils Due Publishing) story is finally told.
  14. Pre-orders are now open for : 1. COPS WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #1 ( Cover A and Cover B ) 2. COPS WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #2 ( Cover A and Cover 3. COPS WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #3 ( Cover A and Cover B ) 4. COPS WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #4 ( Cover A and Cover B ) Pre-orders will close February 1st 2012 Each issue is 7 dollars ( PLUS shipping) . Shipping cost will vary and will be calculated when we weigh each person order individually. At that time we will send an e-mail requesting the shipping fees to be sent. So for now only send the cost of each copy for your pre-order. Printing will be done to order, We might print up 1 or 2 above the number but don't count on getting these later. Issue are schedule to be shipped from our offices in March 2012 Paypal is our preferred form of payment but other ways can be arranged When sending with paypal, make sure you cover all fees. We are doing this non profit, so we cannot cover those fees. If you send as personal and then gift, there should be no paypal fees anyway Pm me for my paypal address if interested. Thanks to all who had a hand in making these issues happen. Stay Tuned for 5 page previews to appear in this Thread for each issue C.O.P.S. FIGHTING CRIME IN A DANGEROUS TIME ! Pre-order ends February 1st 2012 Get your order in today ( Cover A and Cover B are available ) COPS World War III INTERLUDES SYNOPSIS #1 Continuing one year after the final issue of COPS by DC comics, we find Big Boss being sent to Jail after a lengthy court case. But someone you would never expect comes to the aid of Big Boss with an offer he cannot refuse. The makings of a war starts here even as the COPS themselves are busy putting down the Pranksters !
  15. Action Man World War III Interludes #1 of 2 from Rising Sun Comics Now available for pre-order $7 dollars a copy. Cover A and Cover B are available in short run quantities ACTION MAN WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES SERIES OVERVIEW A 2 issue series based around the character Action Man, who was recently re-introduced in the Action Force Red Dawn series. This series which is part of the World War III Interludes follows Action Man and his team of Rebel, Knuck, Flynt, Raid and Red Wolf and his animals, during the events of Devil's Due Publishing 12 issue series GI Joe America's Elite World War III and Rising Sun Comics Entire WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES SERIES. The series is a two issue Mini-series simply titled ACTION MAN WORLD WAR III INTERLUDES #1-2 . Issue #1 Action Man returns home after the events of Red Dawn, only to find out that the Red Shadows have already started to seek revenge by taking Natalie Poole, Action Man's Long time girlfriend. Here is a 4 page Preview
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