Hey guys I just wanted to state that I suck at customs since I ripped open my thumb fixing Archangle's wings. Anyways I saw this movie Daredevil on google, http://www.banned/custom/Galleries/N...edevilMovie.jpg, and I am wishing this is how Marvel did it. I asked the guy who made it and he said he can't help me but he gave me some pointers on how it was done, here they are:
"It was actually pretty complicated. I replaced the shoulders with ball shoulders from an older X1 wolverine figure. I cut the thighs to leave enough plastic for the cut joint to still move, but glued ankle joints from a wrestling figure in place and trimmed down the plastic. Hope that helps 8)"
I was wondering if someone could possibly make this figure for me? Thanks for the help. -- Christopher
P.S. please!!