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  1. I wanted a pair, but not for that price.
  2. So we will have the Riddler in it.
  3. First the crow, now this, come on leave somethings alone.
  4. hey PM me if you need that Skeletor, for some I can not PM you.

  5. That is a very interesting idea, and in the end could make Disney a great deal of money.
  6. Cool to hear.
  7. Mullog21


    the extra stuff is cool, can't wait for next week, and the start of season 2.
  8. it wasn't bad, I need to see a few more episodes before I decide. I keep waiting for him to change into a vampire
  9. It's the End of the World As We Know It, and I Don't Feel Fine!
  10. well you saved me a bit of money, thanks for the heads up
  11. Jackman was offered the role, and turned it down, anyone know any other rumored actors for the role?
  12. The comic was part of DC's Vertigo line, called Hellblazer, you should be able to find a few of the trades in any comic store.
  13. How was it flawed, not arguing just curious
  14. Mullog21


    yes and that is the script for the mini series or movie that they are doing.
  15. Mullog21


    The comic is what the movie is based on isn't it?
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