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Everything posted by slippy

  1. devastator because he has 6 parts instead of the usual 5
  2. sale = a few bucks/percentage off clearance = ridicuously low prices
  3. i'm going to get a slumblebee and use it as a pillow
  4. megan is looking good even with battle damage
  5. cute what's with all these licenced products?
  6. haha i'm going to buy the camera and plushie just for kicks
  7. slippy


    yes i want to know too however, i do like the slow release of the alts, so i can save up money
  8. nice why not in the movie? why why?
  9. i'll get him, according to my "one per mold" collection philosophy
  10. i like em, but i don't transform them all the time. they do take some time, but it's worth it to have them on display
  11. nope, but i bought myself classics starscream yesterday
  12. which one has a cartoon accurate head? classics mirage or alt mirage?
  13. the one that stays in the arc wakes up at noon because of too much energon the night before
  14. i was referring to the ravage that turns into an actual cat form
  15. alts on hiatus? are we still getting rumble and ravage and nothing after that?
  16. loose all the way a transformer is not really a transformer unless you transform it
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