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About RedKat

  • Birthday 11/24/1977

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  • Country
    United States

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  • Location
    bridgeport Ct
  • Interests
    G.I.Joe, ect..

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. i just bought my tickiets today, got some good seat, going to take my cam and take pic's. i was reading that raw is coming here for the holiday event, going to see when that is, so whats going to go down this tuesday?
  2. words been going around that steve austen wants to face CM Pumk at WM28. but is he ok to fight with the neck trouble he had?
  3. i was tolds just about all of wal-mart in CT wont be carring joe's any more, and i have been to a lot of wal-marts in CT, the only only one have i seen the new joes in is bristil ct.
  4. It'll go to 26. there playing episode 14 tonight, master of evil, so i guess we have to wait for episode 20
  5. The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes episode 20 - 26, are they a go or it stops at 19? and we pick up at season 2? whats the info on this?
  6. We heard some startling but unsurprising whispers that made the rumor rounds this morning and now Bleeding Cool is confirming that Wizard Magazine is shutting its doors immediately. According to Bleeding Cool, all the Wizard staff has been laid off and the magazine will cease publication immediately. This has not yet been confirmed by Wizard editorial or their public relations folks read the rest here, http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=1&itemid=16812
  7. What are you guys talking about? I'm currently in the process of suing the WWE for the May Young incident. Don't you guys remember when she flashed us on TV? I'm still traumatized from that incident. bro, i know your a fan of may young, and you were just jealous that she flash in front a all those people, and not you, you must have been upset that mark henry was going with her and not you, LOL!!!!!!
  8. it is been know that Vince mcmahon doesn't like Samoa Joe , i believe its foolish on his part to turn down a money maker, Cena, may be the money maker now, but sooner or later he;s going to have to be replace, there's only so much one man can do,
  9. so here's a question, if he suffered a injury back in 2000, and is now suing wwe, i don't understand why he would waited all this time? why didn't his parents jump on it sooner,?
  10. TIMES RUNNING SHORT ON THE POC.... WOW!!!Its Saturday to Tuesday special, part 2WOW!!! G.I.Joe POC starting at .99, WOW!! also marvel universe series 12, @ a outstanding price WOW!! lots more just beTIMES RUNNING SHORT ON THE POC.... WOW!!!Its Saturday to Tuesday special, part 2WOW!!! G.I.Joe POC starting at .99, WOW!! also marvel universe series 12, @ a outstanding price WOW!! lots more just been added free S/H on all POC WOW!! + the red card. international orders are now welcome, now open en added free S/H on all POC WOW!! + the red card. international orders are now welcome, now open RedKat2163 items - Get great deals on Toys Hobbies items on eBay.com! http://www.youtube.c...h?v=6F5RafPl7CM
  11. ONE DAY LEFT WOW!!! Saturday to wednesday special, WOW!!! G.I.Joe POC starting at .99, WOW!! also marvel universe series 12, @ a outstanding price WOW!! free S/H on all POC WOW!! international orders are now welcome, now open http://shop.ebay.com...s=1&_from=&_ipg
  12. few days left, lots to sale, at the best price, + rocc, right now going for $40, http://shop.ebay.com/RedKat2163/m.h...=1&_from=&_ipg= come one come all,
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bro they could have used mvp. and he could have been the ic camp. now watch, after his 90days gos up. will see him in TNA, and i bet Dixie cater will treat him a lot better then wwe ever did,
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