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  1. Sad news, one movie from him that doesn't get mentioned is Best of the Best. That was a favorite of mine growing up.
  2. I preordered the Prince Xizor and I'm excited about getting more figures from Shadows of the Empire. I'm disappointed that Dagan Gera didn't come with a removable arm, if he had both arms I would have gotten a couple for High Republic customs.
  3. Sad news, I loved his work in the Captain America, Astonishing X-men and Star Wars comics, rest in peace.
  4. (Sigh) I just can't have nice things. I hope at the very least we get a Black Series figure of The Srranger.
  5. I finally got around to read these books and comics, I'm almost done with all of the ones that have been released so far. I gotta say, I haven't been this excited with something Star Wars in a long while. The story is really good and they have some of the most interesting and likeable characters in any Star Wars project.
  6. I have been wanting a ROTS Darth Sidious forever, I'm happy that it finally got made. I was looking forward to a prequel era Yoda but not paired with a clone so I may pass on it; would have preferred him and Sidious being the Two pack. The Duel of the Fates set looks nice, I may pick that up. I'm excited about Dagan, I would love it if Hasbro would include a removable arm feature.
  7. I only watched the first season and towards the end it was mostly background noise for me.
  8. Normally, as a fan of the Expanded Universe I would be all.over this but I can't justify buying this set when I already own 50 percent of it.
  9. I like how the Acolyte figures look, I only collect Jedis, Sith and Bounty Hunters so this is my cup of tea. The trailer dropping the previous day did help a bit with the characters. I was excited about prequel Yoda but I don't like having to get another Clone in order to get it. I find it hilarious that they just throw an Ysalamiri with that lame version of Thrawn.
  10. Good, first version was terrible, this looks closer to how he looked in the comics, proportions wise.
  11. I'm glad he got to come back and play this character. I'm looking forward to a Black Series figure of this guy.
  12. Im very happy about Ki Adi Mundi and Darth Malgus getting figures, skipping the rest. If the Book of Boba Fett Luke is actually accurate this time around, I might get it.
  13. The Chewbacca with the new headsculpt looks good. It's good they are releasing the Stormtrooper again gives people a chance to army build. Of course this would have been a great opportunity to release a proper Throne room duel Luke and a ROTJ Darth Vader with removable helmet, oh well.
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