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Everything posted by JohnnyRebelV2

  1. That was ok, not great. I'll take the Arise Serpentor Arise mini series over Resolute any day of the week.
  2. The fact that they came out at the exact same time, almost to the month as TMNT really hurt their chances. And they were fairly expensive for a figure in 1988, $6-$7 each.
  3. I think that the leaked version is going to hurt the box office really badly.
  4. well, from what i have read. everybody answered you on who the Vigilante was.. but no one replied on CMDR Steel or MR Terrific. both are members of the current Justice Society of America!! HEROES!! #US1# Mr Terrific is some lame $hit.
  5. Marvel makes SuperHero Squad instead. Which I collect as voraciously as others do JLU. I don't consider SHS to be real figures, but yes they are also THE SUX!
  6. BBTS is my favorite online store.
  7. Zartan's aussie accent is horrible. The sunbow voice was the greatest ever. All the voice acting on resolute is sub-par and sounds similar or plain bad.
  8. someone needs to post LOOSE PICS of all of wave 8!!!!
  9. Well the only DCUC figures I've EVER seen in stores is wave 1. You can buy them all off ebay for retail, you just have to pay shipping. It's a fair deal overall. Only wave 8 is over priced right now. It will drop in price over the next couple months.
  10. These figures are the SUX. Marvel would never put out such bad figures. DCUC is the only thing DC does well.
  11. I think they only produce 456 of each DCUC figure, lol. And that is why only 10% of toy stores carry them. Order online, you can get most figures for close to retail, all you have to do is pay the shipping. But it saves you time and gas.
  12. SWAMP THING! thats it... and the rest of Batman's rouges gallery such as classic Clayface and classic Catwoman. And Martian Manhunter is the only "big name" JLA member left, but we know we'll get him eventually.
  13. I like Hot Toys version better too. Their upcoming Joker OWNS all of them!
  14. No way the artwork head is scarier than the 1983 figure head.
  15. I don't get it Do they no longer want Gi Joe to go on? There are major deaths and the best confrontation in the Joe Universe will be no more Storm Shadow IS NOT DEAD. No way. He will survive.
  16. That Storm Shadow is Hella Cool and the only must have from wave 14. We're getting Zap in the net only 7-pack so who cares about missing this single carded one.
  17. Those were some weak ass explosives. Step your destruction game up.
  18. Because we are Fanboys. Bickering and arguing is WHAT WE DO!
  19. If you look closly resolute Zartan is based off of the 25th Wave 3 Zartan from 2007. So there is no need for a "resolute Zartan" Plus I highly doubt we are getting anymore resolute figures anyways.
  20. Vigilante is a simple Punisher rip-off. Right down to the fact that his family was killed by mobsters. The only difference is the Vigilante does not like killing, but he still did it. The Punisher was hardly the most original character to begin with...but to put a wrinkle in your certainty...the original Vigilante appeared a few decades before the Punisher. The second one (the one we're getting in the DCUC line) is both a "legacy" hero and a Punisher rip-off (and a Snake-Eyes rip-off, to boot). The first Vigilante was a damn Cowboy. The 1985 version done by DCUC is a blantant Punisher rip-off. And a poorly done one at that.
  21. They ARE selling well, but they are NOT selling ( nor being produced) in the quantities that some deluded people think. The misconceptions come from the observations people have of their local stores; they either find them mostly sold out, or not in stock at all--and they hear a claim or two from someone else elswhere and conclude that they MUST be selling out nationwide. It overlooks the fact that these are being made in much smaller amounts so the supply is more accurately meeting the actual demand. 10,000 DC figures ( and example) selling out to 10,000 collectors is a "success" ( because it sells out), but that's just 10,000--something like Star Wars sells well over 100,000 of a given figure. The DC figures cannot attain , or sustain, those kinds of stratospheric sales numbers to make them a true sales success and THIS is where the deluded are tripping up. The projections and expected sales figures for these toys are VERY tame compared to the truly popular toy lines these days (Star Wars)--the fact that they sell out in many places simply says that the supply is adequate to meet the demand. (Just look at the pegs space for DCUC and Star Wars for the biggest hint...) And if anyone doubts that... look no further than Hasbro's Marvel Legends wave 1, in which they themselves got suckered into the same delusions--and produced quantities that far outstripped the demand. If DCUC was produced in quantities that the deluded THINK the market supports, we'd see these toys peg-warming in massive amounts. The current marketplace cannot and will not sustain that kind of thing, especially for a toy line without other media support at this time. The quantities that Mattel are making and the demand are clearing allowing this line pay for itself, but they are not lighting the world in fire with the profits. This is why the line maintains a strict policy of extensive re-use of parts, top-tier characters in each wave, re-issued characters with no C&C parts, and no vehicles or playsets planned--simply because cutting productions costs means they stay profitable. Let the truth be told. DCUC's production numbers are tiny. Nuff' Said.
  22. What great dialogue! DC is going to be breaking down your door to get you on their staff! Or they might just pay you to stop making their characters that much more cheesier than they already are, LOL
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