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  1. To be fair, The Dark Knight Rises is made by an experienced director together by an experience movie studio unlike the movie who will not be named. Box office means nothing but money. Dark Knight Rises is a way better movie and has deeper meanings than just explosions. I thought TDKR schooled the studio who will not be named in every way. Besides money of course. I never said The Avengers was a better movie. It's not. In fact it's not even close. I'm just saying DC needed a win. Preferably a more public win.
  2. It could of been more if this idiot in Colorado never did what he did ANYWAYS I haven't seen the movie yet and won't read the rest of this thread but I want to know...Is Bane the same as we know him? Does he use chemicals to become this powerful being? Tragedy or not, it looks like TDKR wasn't gonna make it anyway. As it pertains to Bane, he's not a Venom-induced freak but he is an addict and, more importantly, a criminal mastermind that is physically and mentally on the same level as Batman.
  3. That's great WJ. DC makes a billion dollars every 10 years while Marvel kicks their ass six ways to Sunday as they do a lap around on their major superheroes. I don't want to see another Batman trilogy (well, I do, but not right now). I wanna see Wonder Woman. And Flash. And Aquaman. And Green Arrow. And the Teen Titans. And the Justice League. And Hawkman. How is it that Marvel can put together movies about Rocket Raccoon and (presumably) Hank "Wife-Beater" Pym while DC struggles to get its major properties on the screen?
  4. Maybe this isn't relevant to anything, but it appears TDKR weekend receipts isn't even going to come close to those who will not be named. Too bad. DC needs a win big time.
  5. Perhaps it's too early to say right now, but so far the collective information I've seen points towards disaster. Two things stuck out: 1. Why the hell is the son of a farmer out on a boat fishing? 2. And I'm paraphrasing here: "You can be either good or evil." Are you serious? Boy Scouts with super powers aren't taught how to be "evil." You'll excuse my tone. I'm scared s***less (so to speak) that if man of Steel fails it's the end of DC Comics on the big screen. Meanwhile, Marvel prepares for "Phase II," Ant-Man and whatever the hell that group with the squirrel is called.
  6. After seeing it twice all I can is this is the only reason why this isn't better than The Dark Knight is because of this: It would've been totally full circle save for one character, and we all know who that character is. In the context of this trilogy, The Joker ruined Bruce Wayne's life. Nolan made it appear like he didn't exist and basically insinuated that Harvey Dent was the cause of all of Gotham's misery, which, as we all know, is completely untrue. I get why the filmmakers did it, but it was the wrong decision. Bringing up the fact that The Joker was responsible for Rachel's death and driving Dent insane, or hell, what happened to him after he was arrested, is in no way exploiting Heath Ledger's memory. On a small scale that Judge Scarecrow thing would've been the perfect spot for The Joker. No disrespect to Cillian Murphy but that cameo just didn't feel right. On a larger scale? Well, in many adaptations Joker has taken it very personally when someone else tries to bring down Batman. I'm sure he would've had issue with Talia and Bane but now we're talking Spider-Man 3 muddled mess of villains here. I was happy to see Talia and Bane get some much-deserved respect for the great Bat-Villains they are.Still, regardless of this Joker situation, a very excellent film.
  7. cjflan32

    WWE '12

    Speaking of gameplay, the Comeback is the most poorly executed idea THQ's ever had. If it doesn't get reversed your opponent will just leave the ring until it runs out. Kind of defeats the purpose.
  8. I have to say that, while they have next to no replay value, WWE makes very good DVD/BD sets. They also dumped a few docs on Netflix. The History of the WWE Championship was supposed to have a Benoit/Angle match on it but you know how that story ends.
  9. cjflan32

    WWE '12

    During a tag team match I accidentally kicked CM Punk off the apron as Sheamus and after the match CM Punk clotheslined him and turned heel. Kind of annoying when the game does that. BTW Dark Horse I like everyone else love WWF No Mercy but all the WWE '12 haters complaining incessantly about glitches fail to remember NM had a glitch that erased your progress. Selective memory I suppose. EDIT: Sorry hamersterboy, I jumped right over you. I have it on PS3 but I haven't heard much about the Wii.
  10. The interview itself is great. The special features are good too. I got the Blu Ray version which has a lot more stuff on it.
  11. cjflan32

    WWE '12

    Oh I have the game and I enjoy it. I'm taking a break until the final DLC pack comes out. Definitely the best version THQ's made in a while.
  12. "Troll as usual?" That's funny coming from the guy who says s*** like "Wow, a full thread on how this guy spoils his child, what a complete waste." Since you're the obvious expert we'd all love to hear how your kids are raised.
  13. cjflan32

    WWE '12

    Does anyone own WWE '12? And if you do own it do you like it? I understand the problems are/were there but it's still a really cool wrestling game.
  14. He already looked pretty heelish to me on Monday ? Glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was obvious.
  15. Wait a month, I smell heel turn for Jericho. Not really a huge reinvention.
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