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  1. I'd be too worried to take vehicles apart. It'd just be Q-tip cleaning for me.
  2. In the meantime, give us the Night Landing Craft with Cobra Eel sometime this year.... PLEASE!
  3. I got mine in the mail Monday. They also show the picture of the SHARC and the new Deep Six. Deep Six is old school and appears to only have four POA (shoulders and hips, just like the vintage one.) If you look carefully at the "Reinforcements Are Coming" ad, you can see him in the cockpit, facedown. His new headsculpt looks good though. I already have a SHARC from a previous reissue. Not particularly a huge fan of it as it seems a bit too big for the other Joes... the non-Deep Six kind. Lots of room for gear, though. I hope the cockpit hasn't been modded on the Firebat from it's original size to accomodate this figure though. That would suck.
  4. Anyone got the issue and know when and where it's coming out? Been out of the loop.
  5. I hope it has more and better action than the first one.
  6. Hehe.... DH4 better be good or all of this won't even matter in the end.
  7. They were trying way... WAY too hard to tie in plot elements for Parker's personal life. It would've been alright for the character to just have that guilt on his conscious to help drive him to do what's right. Again, Sandman was just too horribly crammed into this movie.
  8. With no Arnie, I don't know. It could work, but if it's all about John Conner, then this movie should close up the Terminator stories for good. Least of all, Skynet sends back a Terminator to the beginning of the war....
  9. I also forgot to mention..... Sandman kills Uncle Ben?!? Umm... no.
  10. Anyway, I don't see He-Man being that big a hit. Least of all the story is written like an epic like LOTR or Harry Potter or something.
  11. On a sidenote, ROBERT DOWNEY JR looks like a clown.
  12. It just dragged in some spots to me and was not as exciting overall as 1 or 3. Draven Villians aside, I felt the same thing about SM3. Alot of parts dragged on for too long, especially the Harry Osbourne parts. I know it was poignant to the ending, but when I was watching it in the theaters, I just wanted to fast forward those parts. Then there were MJ ho-bag moments, which again, were relavent to the story, but still... hard to watch in this type of movie. Both plotlines weren't written very well, not to the point of being interesting, and really destroyed the pace of the movie. All in all, I wish the Harry thread was pushed to the next series of movies. Then the cheesy ending with Harry showing up wouldn't have happened (that too much as well), not to mention the 180 degree flips of the characters Harry, Peter, and Mary Jane. Harry tried to kill them all, and yet, Pete and MJ forgot (and forgave) all about it. And finally, the hate Harry felt all but disappeared, and seemingly forgot about having half his face blown off and permanently disfigured for life.
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