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About dayraven

  • Birthday 08/08/2008

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    in exile from shangri-la

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  1. So instead of this one looking like Jeff Garlin, we're getting Andre: Diedrich Bader edition... I guess that's better?
  2. In Scream 2, there's a scene where Sidney is beset by actors in theater masks and imagines Ghostface amongst them. Three "wrinkly" mask is that.
  3. For those wondering, the statuesque future in the video is the figure he's updating, not the end result that he's kickstarting. If you watched any of the videos from NYTF he's planning to not only update the figure with full articulation but the cape as well. Hence the need for Kickstarter, because it will definitely be a deluxe figure much higher in price point than his mass market figures.
  4. hey, assholes, this spinless puke liberal jackass will rip your head off and #$## your neck hole if you don't tone down the attitude just a tad... m'kay pumpkin? just cuz the white house doesn't like your himler news channel doesn't imply #$## other good taste and sound judgment. fox channel has as little to do w/ news and you do w/ tact.
  5. come on guys, the first weapon is lazy thinking is hyperbole. not every evil is the WORST evil (comparison's to Hitler or Satan), not every mistake is the WORST mistaken (destroying america) and not every aspect of value-based action is the MOST heinous just because it's not your values (raping american values). very likely, yes, this was a move on the part of the Nobel committee that was largely political in nature... it wouldn't be the first time the Nobel Peace prize was handed out for political reasons... for example, al gore won a Nobel peace prize for "an inconvenient truth." now, i could understand the team of advising scientists for the movie winning the peace prize, kind of, but i'd be more apt to award them the Nobel Prize for Chemistry... a much lesser noted Nobel Prize, but no less substantial for the offering. Al was a paid spokesman of slipshod science... how exactly does that engender "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." (that quote is albert nobel's requirements for the awarding of the peace prize.) we're also talking about an award that was at one point awarded to Yasser Arafat, but was never awarded to Mahatma Gandhi. again, the Nobel committee is not above question on some of their choices. let's also at this point remember that this is an international committee, not a bunch of "lefty americans" so that rhetoric doesn't hold water. lefties aren't any more to blame for this decision. some crazy norweigans and swedes are to blame. you wanna gripe and protest? take your ikea figure cabinets, stuff them w/ smoked halibut and ABBA records, then go out on the front lawn and burn them in effigy! lastly, if i can posit a theory... maybe they awarded barack a peace prize simply cuz he's a douchebag righty? he's still MILES ahead of bush for speaking to other nations, for seeking a renewel of the diplomatic discourse w/ the rest of the world that the previous administration refused to engage in, and he's not pursuing an openly (and futily) imperialistic agenda like bush did... maybe this is a condescending "pat on the head and give a milkbone" gesture to america for chosing a PERSON rather a puppet to a cold war profiteer to run our country? admit it, the thing that gals you right leaners the worst is that the very thing you can FACTUALLY accuse Obama of is being as impotent in office as most of your stooges? despite good rhetoric, he hasn;t actually done #$##! so all this "he's raping america, he's trying to make us all forget god and have homosexuals marrying in the streets and he wants us all to turn Blackrican American," chest thumping bullshit is pointless until the guy actually DOES ANYTHING! so far, he's talked a good game... which again, puts him 1000 leagues ahead of the previous assclown to hold office who couldn't talk himself into eating broccoli. you one-note wonders on the right need to quit letting sarah palin write your talking points.
  6. trainer of samurai

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. wow... just goes to show why posting about politics on a toy board is stupid... there's liek one civil post in this whole thread. can none of you CIVILLY discuss this without resorting to personal attacks, lies, fabrications, and assumptions? cuz if you can, i've not read proof of that. the first guy posted a link to the msn version of the story... the second guy wanted a "fair" report from fox... which is of course bull***t, if you want the truth, you should be reading at LEAST three sources on any story... but in reading across them, there's more speculation from the left wing provided on the fox report than there is the msn one... so where's the bias leading now? bottom line, she quit... what's the big deal? if any of you FROM alaska? does a single one of you have vested interest in her staying on or quitting the post? not that i've read. so why the vitriol towards others? can't a simple recitation of the facts (and maybe clarification of those if there's doubts) be handled and an intelligent, civil discourse take place? by thor guys, y'all need some FRIENDS to talk this crap out w/.
  9. a comment like that requires photos to back your claim. i think most of us would agree that a bathing suit would be in order to give us a maxim-style comparison.
  10. besides, wanna know how i can prove that maxim's list is ass? michelle obama got listed, but not meghan mccain... i don't care how you fall politically, this is a HOT list and this is meghan:
  11. y'all know this is a ploy by maxim, right? first off, i would point out that we all have our favorite ladies, and the list is only 100 deep, so we're bound to disagree on who should make the list and in what order... that's a given. but if maxim gave us a list that was actually well thought out and w/ clear cut criteria as to how a gal made the list, we wouldn't be on a toy board bitching about how poor their choices are. they pick a few dogs and toss them in the pack, they deliberately misplace certain hotties, and BOOM instant blogosphere bomb that will have whole communities lit up on the topic of the their hot 100 and getting them a ton more attention to their website and magazine then if they put out a complete and competant list. for the record, i'd add raquel welch and helen mirren in my personal 100 list, they may be older gals, but they still pack brick house bodies and a confidence and sophistication that 99% of hollywood "girls" won't ever possess. i'd certainly tag either one before i sacked heidy montag.
  12. maggie gyllenhaal
  13. peace man! dial-up sucks now that we've been spoiled by high speed, doesn't it? maybe you can convince mom to upgrade?
  14. not to detract fro myour sculpting at all, it's really good work, bu i'm hoenstly more amazed w/ your wife's paints...they really good fantastic and consistant, the arterial spray is freakin' awesome! her paints really do an amazing job of making your sculpting pop. great job by all.
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