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  • Birthday 03/29/1979

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  1. two of the things i enjoy most in the world are A. Batman, and B. Custom threads. You sir deserve a medal. for freakin Awesome customs!! cant wait to see the finished set.
  2. http://www.toysrus.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=11202438 for those who'd like to vote theres the Link
  3. According to DST's page synch, they begin to ship this week. In other Awesome news, taken fresh from DST via the multiverse "Heralds of Galactus Toys-R-Us Minimate Fan Poll! We're back, with what is now an annual event, the Toys R Us Minimate fan poll! Toys R Us is once again teaming up with the inmates of Art Asylum to let YOU the fans pick our 2011 Minimates exclusive box set. This year we're going cosmic and celebrating Galactus and his heralds. This year voters will decide which heralds of Galactus figures will be featured in this first of its kind box set! We've come up with what we think are 5 ideas for the devourer of worlds heralds that represent the characters from different eras and of course Galactus himself. That's right, True Believers! Beginning 5/15/11 and continuing until 5/31/11, fans will be able to visit toysrus.com and artasylum.com and cast their ballots in deciding which of their favorite Cosmic heroes are to be included in the exclusive Minimates box set. Spanning the over history of the Marvel Universe some of these are characters that fans have been requesting for years and thought there was no way Diamond Select Toys would ever make, we've now designed them for you the fans. ·Galactus – Sole survivor of the universe existing before the Big Bang, Galactus is perhaps the most feared being in the cosmos! This Minimate includes: a mini Silver Surfer Minimate and board that can be attached to Galactuss shoulder. ·Nova (Frankie Raye)- Frankie Raye was the stepdaughter of Phineas T. Horton, inventor of the android Human Torch. Horton brought Frankie with him as he dug into the spare parts and chemicals he used to build the Human Torch decades earlier. Frankie was exposed to a canister of chemicals which set her on fire, but instead of being harmed she gained powers similar to the Human Torch. This Minimate includes: a new fire base that elevates the figure and creates the illusion of flight and flame flowing as part of her hair. ·Morg – Morg was the executioner on the medieval world of Caraner, until one day the world devourer Galactus consumed it. Morg opposed Galactus but rather than destroy him he selected the ruthless Morg to be his herald. This Minimate includes: a flight base as well as the Ax he fought Terrax to regain. ·Terrax – Tyros was once the dictator of the city Lanlak on the planet Biri, where his superhuman ability to common rocks and earth enabled him to overcome all resistance. Galactus made Tyros his new herald Terrax. This Minimate includes: Asteroid base, as well as a base elevator base for the asteroid, and his distinctive ax. ·Air Walker – When he first arrived on Earth, he was mistaken for the angle Gabriel after he announced his name. Upon his arrival on earth he was able to single handedly defeat the Fantastic Four. Gabriel is not an angel but an highly advanced robot and the second known herald of Galactus. This Minimate includes: clear wings and a flight base. ·Firelord – Sent by Galactus to earth to enlist the aid of Thor, Hercules and Ego in order to save the universe. Soon after, Firelord asked Galactus for his freedom and Galactus released him and he was allowed to remain on earth. This Minimmate includes: his distinctive staff and a flight base. So make your choice and cast your ballot for the all-new exclusive Heralds of Galactus box set, available exclusively this fall from Toys R Us and Diamond Select Toys! The top four fan selections will be included in the set, so rally your own army of heroes or villains and become a part of Marvel Comics history!" So awesome, I cant find the link to vote yet but i'd go Terrax, Morg, Firelord and Nova, Galactus is a major player and will surely see release the others being so obscure this may be our only chance.
  4. The Movie Cap wave is up as well and for those of you missing the AOA Wave this seller has them up http://shop.ebay.com.au/minimates_menagerie/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 I grabbed all the AOA 'mates and omega red. The prices are a little jacked up but thats about normally what I have to pay.
  5. As soon as they release a Black Pearl I'll be all over it, Queen annes revenge looks great but the pearl has to come first.
  6. I think Holocausts head looks fine Rick, Its got a mignola feel to it. a little paint and i think it'll be fine.
  7. C3 Batcave Joker. totally Nicholson as a minimate.
  8. According to DST Chuck, TRU wave 9 are shipping now , i hope he means 10 i reaaaaallly wants me AOA packs..
  9. Gonna be a big week for 'mates for me, Thor Dump box set, Uncanny X-force set, Excalibur set, and series 38 and 39 are coming out to.. WOOOHOO!!!
  10. they seem to like 4 packs for some reason It's economics. Four figures is what they can do to remain at a particular price point. Remember the Giant-Sized X-Men multi-pack had SIX figures in it, but even though that was a mere ten to fifteen years ago, things were a lot cheaper then. I get that but it it more of a Why include ANOTHER Wolverine instead of Phantomex ( I already know the answer but you get what i mean)
  11. Thanks guys for the input, I did indeed open them, with my 3 year old boy choosing who to open and telling me whose good and whose bad. It was awesome. It's funny to see a 3 year olds interpretaion, Snake eyes= bad but Timber= good. Basically if they were bright colors, good. Grey or black bad. Glad I did it. The only down side, now I'm ready to fill those gaps through eBay
  12. I'd also love X-force (elixir, Domino, Vanisher and Wolfsbane) AOA i gotta agree, my Picks would be (Colossus, Kitty, Abyss and Banshee) Plus a second set like they did with the dark Avengers ( Quicksilver, Dazzler, Exodus and Bishop) ahhhhhh wishful thinking
  13. Yeah Its not like they can't fit a 5th figure in the pack, but this one burns me as theres no need at all for Wolverine, We just got that version for cryin out loud! Thanks for link Dragon, These are the best picks so far!
  14. Yep, It certainly is. I wonder why they cut him in the first place. It would be nice to see the regular version first.
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