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grand theft autobot

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Everything posted by grand theft autobot

  1. I prefer to think of that not as a Minicon, but the actual robot. And the bigger version is armor. A combination of Jap Headmaster / Ultra Magnus That's all fine and all, but as a literal toy point of view, he is a minicon. And me (and Bluestreak) being the crazy minicon collectors we are, would be required to buy Sentinel Maximus to get this piece. Yet it's not doing it for me.
  2. Umm, cool? They sound interesting, but I'll be stumped as what to really expect. But for those of you with your Godzilla vs Batman vs Devilman fantasies, you're all set.
  3. Not bad, but not enough for me to hunt one down. He may include a Minicon, but that is a freakish large one at that. I could write it off. Maybe if I saw him in person.
  4. Excellent work on both toys. Magnus looks good and has a solid paint application. Blaster is friggin' sweet! You could easily fetch some good cash on ebay with him, which is not me telling you to sell it, but that people will definitely buy somethign that well done. Cool? Keep up the good work! And save Scourge for when you're bored or out of characters.
  5. I WANT THE SUPERMAND AND JOKER, BUT I CANT FIND IT DANGIT!!!! @grumpy@ Yep. I've found zero. Maybe I'm looking in the sections. Maybe it's hidden in the Barbie section.
  6. Is there any info on your receipt that mentions a shipping date?
  7. I got one of her too! He's very cool! Same nice size as the Microman figures but full of Eva goodness. I hope there's more...at least Asuka anyway.
  8. Sweet. $25 is well worth the Prime and shrunken Megs!
  9. Thanks for the killer pics! I'm torn between getting the BT or AT or both!
  10. Good point, but I guess it's how you prop them up in the car. Also, anyone with big hair is a pain to fit in. Phoenix and Storm are gonna have to walk.
  11. I hear you, SS49. They are real nice packages, but I opened them anyway. I just used a knife and carefully sliced the tape where needed. I may display them in package later on.
  12. It's clever and entertaining, as shows should be. Personally, my favorite episode is "Mad Mod," with the sixties teacher. Bloody good show!
  13. I discovered this a while back too. Sometimes you can just remove the minimates feet or legs to slip them in behind the steering wheel. With the car door closed, no one will know!
  14. ML Juggy's head piece looks like those playground sets you see in the old parks when it's next to MM Juggy!
  15. It is a cool set. Leader is rather fun his silly noggin', but Gamma Hulk rules. He may be a repaint essentially, but the transparent plastic makes him killer. I'd tape him to my flashlight if I knew he'd cast green light.
  16. Thanks, man! Cool for you too! The simple two-tone goes a long way! I love the little dude. I can't wait for the rest of those two-tones to eventually come out.........I assume.
  17. Easy. Getting the ones I didn't have, which was most of the reissues. A lot of the TFs I did have were the more plastic ones later on, not the good old metal boys from Year 1.
  18. CapnJeffro seems a marked man at this time of the morning...
  19. Good wonderful Monday morning, everyone!!!! Ugh...I need coffee.
  20. @loll@ Nice!!! He's looking good....Swindle, that is....Count me in too!
  21. I like them all....that was easy. So now, when are we gonna get them? If I have any complaints, it's that Habro has gotta work on better names. Something Maximus too many times is redundant, but a name is only name, so renaming is easy.
  22. That's a good deal you got there! Personally, I'm holding out a little more.
  23. The weapons would be the same as the store exclusive minicons then.
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