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Evil Count Marzo

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About Evil Count Marzo

  • Birthday 02/24/1982

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  1. Well I finally started to decide to collect the figures I want from this line and I noticed a few things: 1) You NEVER see the guys you want instore. 2) They cost waaaay too much on Ebay. I'm sick of trying to collect lines like this. (MOTU, Transformers reissues, Marvel Legends). Why don't they ever release them in a good quantity. Never had a problem back in the day finding the figures I wanted. Looks like I'll never get the Tag Teams. LOD costs waaaaaaay too much. I really want the Rockers and the Hart Foundation too but they are jumping in price as well. And I'll NEVER find them in stores. Ebay is the only answer. Anyone know any good sites for buying these from?
  2. Dinosaucers (almost happened) Go-Bots (re-vamped/reissued) G.I. Joe ARAH (Marvel Legends Style) Thundercats (4 Horsemen Style) Killer Instinct (I'd kill for a Fulgore, Jago, Sabrewulf, etc...) Mortal Kombat (need a good line, need Kabal!) Classic characters from many NES games: Castlevania Contra SMB SMB2 SMB3 Ninja Gaiden Double Dragon Zelda Zelda 2 Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! etc...
  3. I guess I am a partial "Hoarder" since sometimes I like to buy 2 of the same thing depending on how pretty the packaging is. heh. Unfortunately most real "hoarders" get to everything good before me.
  4. The Rockers were great! That was the best Raw I've seen in years due to that fact alone. Glad I decided to watch it, since I basically gave up on "WWE" years ago.
  5. Stores that I recall from the 80s... Hills Gold Circle Woolworths Toys R Us Child World or Child Castle or something? Kay Bee CVS Pharmacies Sears MOTU figures were everywhere back in the mid-late 80s. Supermarkets, Drug Stores, Department Stores, etc... Toy Stores and toys in general sure went down hill since then. I go to Target, Walmart, Kay Bee and all they have is crap that I don't want. Crap that I don't even want to look at. Call me old skool, tell me I'm living in the 80s still but... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
  6. I want more classic Mega Man figures! arrrrgghhh!
  7. Webstor is DEF. one of those 6. I know for a fact. We heard a while ago that they had a prototype of Webstor.
  8. WOW, those are some SIIIICK repaints, I'd kill to have some of those figures.
  9. CONGRATS!!! You one lucky dude. I'd do almost ANYTHING for a She-Ra!~
  10. I dunno what to believe anymore.
  11. LOL....Robert Stack in tha house...errr shall I say Ultra Magnus?
  12. Quickman is definitely the best one so far! Glad to see someone behind the scenes loves the classic stuff too! I can't wait to see what comes out in the future. So glad you responded with that reply! I'd love a Woodman. lol! Actually I'd take any guys from Mega Man 1-3! I really look forward to the future releases!
  13. I'm definitely a huge Mega Man fan but I dont care for 90% of the figures. But I'm old skool so I don't like any of those figures. I do have Quick Man though cuz he's old skool (Mega Man 2). If they made more Mega Man 1, 2, and 3 guys I'd definitely pick all of em up!
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