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  2. First real attempt at toy photography. This is a display I have been putting together for a little while now. Enjoy!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Geez, what is up there with Doomsday's crotch. Not that I'm particularly drawn to that region of his anatomy but the way it appears to have a sharp angle to it rather than a gradual curve just looks extremely off.
  5. Mister Terrific is supposed to come with multiple face plates. Perhaps one of them has a black T.
  6. I was never a big fan of the red face T for Mr. Terrific (which I think was a New 52 thing?), just looks kinda weird; hopefully the Platinum version has the normal black T.
  7. Oh thank goodness, I was really worried we'd get a good look at the Superman figure, I'm so glad we can barely see him and instead all we can see is the ugly cave troll Doomsday /s
  8. Shouldn't this be Fall Collector Con? It's October. It's Fall.
  9. Yes!!! Now he's finally a normal WW. and he's got his tiara on his forehead (after all, it's not Sailor Moon to always take it off) and he's finally got his other weapons.
  10. I wish they wouldn't have wasted two figures in this series by label slapping with He-Man/Faker and Invisible Skeletor.
  11. That's exactly what I'm saying, I want to know everything included and how it looks before it goes live
  12. Not bad, not bad but he's done quite a lot of Bataffleck now Tod, it would be nice to see some good SuperCavill, (I wonder if they'll make him a new body or stick with the cloth only cape he released for JL.) still, this looks like a cool figure, especially with the blanket-like cape.
  13. That Batman actually looks really good! I'll be pre-ordering this as well as that Wonder Woman!
  14. 6" Leia (Splinter Of The Mind's Eye) By Colin Hobbs Check out more images of their custom below in our GALLERY! If you would like to submit your own custom figure(s) to be displayed on JediInsider.com, be sure to check out our Custom Forum section, where you can discuss and show off your work among other customizers.
  15. Sectaurs: Warriors of Symbion - Zak While the Nacelle Company is working on a wave 2 of villains, who knows if we will see anymore heroes in the future… growing up Zak was my favorite figure in the line… So not waiting on NC I made a Zak to fit in the new line. Some paint, original gear and head (new antennas) and now I have another Sectaurs warrior in the ranks.
  16. Shown below is a preview image for the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Armored Batman figure from McFarlane Toys that will be going up for pre-order at places like our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth at 12pm ET on October 18. Also look for a new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Wonder Woman, Knightmare Batman and Doomsday Vs Superman 2-pack to go up for pre-order that day as well.
  17. What are you talking about, the preorder isn't live, the preorder when it is live shows you everything that comes with it when you order. This is such a non issue.
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