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Revealed during the 2022 Hasbro Pulse-Con Star Wars Panel, here's a look at the official images for the first wave of Black Series figures based on the Disney+ Andor series; Bix Caleen, Cassian Andor, Luthen Rael, and Senator Mon Mothma, which are now available for pre-order from Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Andor (1).jpg

Andor (2).jpg

Andor (3).jpg

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Andor (7).jpg

Andor (8).jpg

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Bix_Caleen (2).jpg

Bix_Caleen (3).jpg

Bix_Caleen (4).jpg

Bix_Caleen (5).jpg

Bix_Caleen (6).jpg

Bix_Caleen (7).jpg

Bix_Caleen (8).jpg

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Luthen_Rael (2).jpg

Luthen_Rael (3).jpg

Luthen_Rael (4).jpg

Luthen_Rael (5).jpg

Luthen_Rael (6).jpg

Luthen_Rael (7).jpg

Luthen_Rael (8).jpg

Luthen_Rael (9).jpg

Mon_Mothma (1).jpg

Mon_Mothma (2).jpg

Mon_Mothma (3).jpg

Mon_Mothma (4).jpg

Mon_Mothma (5).jpg

Mon_Mothma (6).jpg

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Mon_Mothma (10).jpg


While I'm not loving a lot of the recent releases of the Black Series I've got to say these look pretty good especially Adria Arjona's character, Bix. As much as I'm enjoying the series I don't think I'll be getting any of these but at least that Andor look much less shiny than the exclusive version. 

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