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NECA has released official images for their upcoming 3rd wave of Target store exclusive 7" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles classic animated series wave 3 figures which includes Casey vs Slashed Foot, April vs Bashed Foot, and Leatherhead & Slash. Assuming you can find them, they will be out in the Spring.




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They look great but I have yet to find Rocksteady and Bebop at Target and it hasn't been available online since Thanksgiving. If I can't get my hands on those at regular retail price I see no reason going forward trying to collect this line.

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I found a single Leo and Don pack at one of my local Targets and that's it. I came close to paying the 80+ bucks to get the Rocksteady and Bebop set off Ebay, but that's a bad habit to start (not to mention expensive).

I was willing to play along cause I love the franchise, but I'm starting to agree with some of you guys. Neca needs to p---s or get off the pot. If they can't offer them at mass retail, and they won't offer them in numbers large enough for people to actually find them at Target, then why do they even bother?

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I will definitely try to pickup the Leatherhead set, but I’m not holding my breath. The Target in my area got the Wave 2 sets in and was sold out in 1-2 days. Hopefully it was collectors and not the scalpers.

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29 minutes ago, BradDCUGeek said:

These look great. I still need Bebop and Rocksteady. 

I think we ALL still need Bebop and Rocksteady.

As for Series 3, I was kind of hoping April and Casey would be in the same pack. Looks like I'll be dipping into Ebay . . .TWICE.

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Very cool...I am still waiting to see wave one. I would be glad to get the turtçes from wave 2. Those would be enough for me. 

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Well, my thoughts:
1) Thank GOD I built my own excellent custom April and Casey, 'cuz I am NOT digging either of these sculpts, and I am DEFINITELY NOT digging that they went the "lame reused pack-in Foot Soldier" route YET AGAIN.  Even if they ARE battle-damaged retools and not the exact same figures . . . it just ain't worth it.  Not for the price these things run, and CERTAINLY not for the aftermarket price 'cuz you CAN'T @#$%ING FIND THEM IN STORES!!
2) That Leatherhead BETTER be out of scale with that Slash, because Slash should be about the same size as the Turtles, about 75% reused parts, and thus should be almost HALF as tall as Leatherhead.  I seem to recall from the ToyFair and SDCC photos that he IS properly massive, but then I'd also heard he was supposed to be released solo as some kind of "deluxe" class figure.  If they shrank him down to go alongside Slash, we should riot. (Still, they've at least been good about scale with this line thus far, not too worried.)
3) "Not all accessories shown here." *LOL* I should certainly HOPE not!  Then again, given the abysmal showing of accessories with Bebop and Rocksteady (no helmet, non-removable combat knife, no old-skool figure accessories, no character specific pieces, not even the actual guns they used in the cartoon, just the same generic weapons as the Foot Soldiers), it wouldn't surprise me if this WAS all the stuff they came with. *eyeroll*
4) As everyone else notes: sure, I'm still excited for the continuation of this line, but if distribution doesn't improve, what's the @#$%in' point?  Not like you can buy them anywhere!  (Although I will note, at $52, plus tax, plus shipping, plus a small finder's fee, $75-$80 on ebay isn't AWFUL.  I don't regret getting B&R that way, but the lack of distribution is still completely unacceptable.)
Anyway, someone wake me up when Metalhead and the Triceraton and the Roadkill Rodneys go on sale.  'Til then, I can (mostly) pass on this wave. (Got a perfect custom Slash, but I want me that Leatherhead.)


I think overall they look decent. April's face in this image seems like could use a bit of tweeking. The one on display at the cons looked better.

The thing is, and I don't necessarily put all the blame on NECA, probably Target is more responsible for not stocking these worth a dam then NECA. I'm sure NECA would be willing to supply Target with as many of these figures to meet demand if Target was so inclined. Regardless of who is at fault though, I am not going to collect a line I have to constantly resort to going to the secondary market for and paying double or triple prices. The first wave was worse than this one to find. I at least saw the other figures on shelf and online for wave 2 though granted except for Rocksteady and Bebop the others were all basically reissues. I am still holding a sliver of hope Target will restock online but Im not playing the game of having to hit Target stores daily hoping to get lucky and find one. If Target wants to stock their shelves well enough so on my schedule when I walk into a Target I can find one then I am happy to buy it at the store, but otherwise this has essentially become a dead line to me from a personal collecting standpoint and IMO no one should have to deal with that kind of frustration to buy or collect something.

33 minutes ago, JayC said:

I think overall they look decent. April's face in this image seems like could use a bit of tweeking. The one on display at the cons looked better.

The thing is, and I don't necessarily put all the blame on NECA, probably Target is more responsible for not stocking these worth a dam then NECA. I'm sure NECA would be willing to supply Target with as many of these figures to meet demand if Target was so inclined. Regardless of who is at fault though, I am not going to collect a line I have to constantly resort to going to the secondary market for and paying double or triple prices. The first wave was worse than this one to find. I at least saw the other figures on shelf and online for wave 2 though granted except for Rocksteady and Bebop the others were all basically reissues. I am still holding a sliver of hope Target will restock online but Im not playing the game of having to hit Target stores daily hoping to get lucky and find one. If Target wants to stock their shelves well enough so on my schedule when I walk into a Target I can find one then I am happy to buy it at the store, but otherwise this has essentially become a dead line to me from a personal collecting standpoint and IMO no one should have to deal with that kind of frustration to buy or collect something.

I don't play Mattel's old "Its the Retailer's Fault Not Ours" game. That's passing the blame and that's strictly amateur-night. The sole responsibility for getting a product to the consumer is with the producer . . . PERIOD. They teach that in college, they teach that in grade school, Hell, I learned that when I was four from an Elmer Fudd cartoon. That's especially true when it comes to Neca, as to my knowledge, they literally bring their own stuff to Target and stock it themselves. How exactly does that make it Target's fault?

I certainly see no shortage of Aliens or Friday the 13th. figures. Why is TMNT so hard? Then again, nothing whips up consumer interest like a good product shortage. Never been one to shout "conspiracy," but it's something to think about. 

In any case, once again, P--s or Get Off the Pot.

22 minutes ago, JayC said:

"Target is more responsible for not stocking these worth a dam then NECA. I'm sure NECA would be willing to supply Target with as many of these figures to meet demand if Target was so inclined. "

This is actually 100% incorrect.  Both NECA and Target have repeatedly stated that the NECA Collectibles section is stocked and maintained exclusively by NECA.  Back when Toys R Us was still around, they had specific local NECA reps that worked in the region and stocked the NECA section . . . and it was a notorious problem, as many stores' NECA sections would go untouched for MONTHS at a stretch.  Now, with the deal with Target, Target employees DO usually do the stocking (although some areas still have a NECA rep), but NECA delivers their product on THEIR terms, distributing whatever product they deem suitable to the stores with NECA sections . . . and not every store HAS a NECA collectibles section.  They don't even come on the usual Target trucks, NECA has them delivered directly via FedEx or UPS.  It's kinda crazy, and a LOT of collectors, Target workers and management, and other toy websites have been rather frustrated by the situation.  NECA has REALLY bad distribution, and it is ENTIRELY on them.

29 minutes ago, JayC said:

Regardless of who is at fault though, I am not going to collect a line I have to constantly resort to going to the secondary market for and paying double or triple prices. [...] Otherwise this has essentially become a dead line to me from a personal collecting standpoint and IMO no one should have to deal with that kind of frustration to buy or collect something.

As noted, I'm slightly more tolerant of the after-market situation, but I wholeheartedly agree that this is annoying AF.

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19 minutes ago, Batman1701 said:

As noted, I'm slightly more tolerant of the after-market situation, but I wholeheartedly agree that this is annoying AF.

Agreed completely. While there are three Targets within a twenty minute drive of where I live, checking them all two or three times a week in hopes of finding one of these sets just isn't an option. I'd be spending a fortune on gas AND time. At the end of the day, I'm actually SAVING money and frustration by paying twice the price to get these sets off Ebay . . . and that SUCKS. I've always said feeding the scalpers is bad policy.

I tell you, as much as I hate Super 7's business model, for three cents I'd drop Neca for them in a New York minute.

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From what I have seen and heard, Target employees don't really do anything with NECA product; they get the shipment and apparently instructions are to set the box aside and wait a for a NECA rep who's going to put the product on the shelves and assign it its space. While these look nice and I loved the series as a kid, I'm not into collecting them, not enough space and budget and I prefer the movie ones anyway. I also feel like everyone here where it's very frustrating for the consumer to go to so much trouble just to purchase something they love.

10 minutes ago, SubZero said:

Are the NECA TMNT Target and Gamestop exclusives the same line?

The Target exclusives are based on the original cartoon series and the GameStop exclusives are based on the original movie.


EB Games / Gamestop up in Canada has been awesome about pre-ordering these sets. Got my B&R 2 pack on order there and will be getting all these there as well. It's a sad state when a video game store is a better toy store than Walmart or Toys R Us. So far they've been knocking it out of the park for ordering collectibles though for my Canadian friends.

6 hours ago, Sprunt said:

EB Games / Gamestop up in Canada has been awesome about pre-ordering these sets. Got my B&R 2 pack on order there and will be getting all these there as well. It's a sad state when a video game store is a better toy store than Walmart or Toys R Us. So far they've been knocking it out of the park for ordering collectibles though for my Canadian friends.

You know, I've found this to be true here in the US too (at least my neck of the woods):  I walk into Walmart or Target, and there's Marvel Legends from six months ago, no new product.  I walk into Gamestop (which causes me physical pain, mind you, I HATE the company with a PASSION), and I find the latest ML releases, and collectors figures I can't get anywhere else.  On the subject of TMNT, the "Batman Vs TMNT" 2-packs that came out recently, I was able to literally walk in and grab them off the shelf on release day, didn't even have to pre-order, THAT'S how good my local Gamestop has been about stocking in-demand collectible toys.
Target?  There isn't a local target within a 75 mile radius that stocks the TMNT Cartoon figures AT ALL.  Not just out of stock, they simply don't have NECA sections PERIOD at their stores.  None.  Within 75 miles in every direction.
@#$%in' insane, man. *SMDH*


Hopefully we will be getting these since honestly got the last two complete waves the first couple of days of release. Walked right into target first thing in morning and found multiple full sets of both waves.

On 1/8/2020 at 4:30 AM, JayC said:

I think overall they look decent. April's face in this image seems like could use a bit of tweeking. The one on display at the cons looked better.

The thing is, and I don't necessarily put all the blame on NECA, probably Target is more responsible for not stocking these worth a dam then NECA. I'm sure NECA would be willing to supply Target with as many of these figures to meet demand if Target was so inclined. Regardless of who is at fault though, I am not going to collect a line I have to constantly resort to going to the secondary market for and paying double or triple prices. The first wave was worse than this one to find. I at least saw the other figures on shelf and online for wave 2 though granted except for Rocksteady and Bebop the others were all basically reissues. I am still holding a sliver of hope Target will restock online but Im not playing the game of having to hit Target stores daily hoping to get lucky and find one. If Target wants to stock their shelves well enough so on my schedule when I walk into a Target I can find one then I am happy to buy it at the store, but otherwise this has essentially become a dead line to me from a personal collecting standpoint and IMO no one should have to deal with that kind of frustration to buy or collect something.

According to someone I speak to who works in the stock room at one of my local Targets here in Los Angeles, the NECA items are not/can not be stocked by Target employees and once the NECA inventory arrives at the store it actually goes into a locked cage in the back room (similar to electronics) where it sits locked up until someone from NECA comes out to stock the shelves. Average Target employees do not have access to this cage so even if they wanted to stock the items they can’t.  So at least in Los Angeles, this problem seems to be exclusively NECA.  

This, however, leads me to a different question.  Who exactly is this person from NECA that exists in every town that goes from store to store to stock those shelves?  Smaller markets might only have one store so hiring someone to do this as their job really doesn’t make much economic sense.  In larger markets with lots of locations (like Los Angeles) then sure hiring someone to go from store to store to do this does make some sense and could be a real job for someone BUT at least around here things don’t seem to get stocked that often and according to the local stock person I know things can sit in that NECA back room cage for weeks even though though the NECA store shelves are 90% bare.  

I know a while back NECA was talking about having fans/collectors volunteer to go out to the Target stores and straighten up the displays for them.  I wonder if they are using a similar fan volunteer model for stocking the inventory.  If they do that could be another factor in why these types of items may not be hitting the shelves.  If you pay someone to stock your stores then the applicants are just people who are looking for a pay check but if you are asking for volunteers to stock your stores then you’re going to get applicants who just want the toys for themselves and thus you are essentially giving them full access to grab the items themselves or go and stock the shelves with a collector friend who can tag along to buy the items instantly.  I don’t know that this is something that is happening but I do have to wonder.   

  • 3 months later...

NECA TMNT Animated Series Target Exclusive Wave 3 Figures Hitting In Late June

Yesterday we told you how NECA's next batch of 90's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie figures which will now be released as Walmart exclusives should start hitting shelves in June.

Well, for those more into the classic animated series TMNT figures, the end of June is when you can expect wave 3 to start hitting Target stores. This wave will include 2-packs Casey vs Slashed Foot, April vs Bashed Foot, and Leatherhead & Slash.

We are also told by the folks at NECA, that Target stores will still be continuing to restock the wave 2 Rocksteady and Bebop figures as needed for both physical stores and their website. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused delays with these figures getting to shelves which is why there has been such a gap between when wave 2 hit shelves last year and wave three coming out this summer.

Check out official images as well as images for these figures that were on display at Toy Fair in February below in our GALLERY.












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Really hoping I can pickup the Leatherhead set before it gets snatched up by the scalpers.

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