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Devastator; Combiner Wars OR Unite Warriors??


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Heres some pics of the Takara one:


Found a little more info, looks like...

6 individual weapons for the little guys...

improved articulation on them (knees & elbows)... looks like new hands and head for Devastator
And new arm joints for extending Devastator's arms.
Different paint apps (Bonecrusher's robot mode and Mixmaster's alt mode)

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I have the Japanese version of the toy and it is better than the Hasbro version for including more weapons, more articulation on a few figures, and a head on Devestator with a foldable visor, resulting in a head that can be displayed as cartoon or toy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm about to be in a similar situation...I'd really like to get my hands on a Combiner Wars Computron set, and I'm fortunately gonna be in a position soon where I can actually afford it. However, I'm really torn on which one to get. I think the Unite Warriors version looks fantastic, but the Hasbro one looks more like the vintage Superion I had as a kid. It was one of two combiner sets I actually completed back in the day, and I used to love them so much. Then of course there's the obvious price difference, and...I know this might sound like nit-picking, but...I prefer the feet and fists that come with the Hasbro version. The UW ones look tiny and underproportioned I think. But man...I also love how the individual UW Technobots look. The attention to detail on those is stunning.

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