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Theories of Rey


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"Who's the girl?"- Maz Kanata


Maz asked the question many of us are now asking about Rey. The parentage, or at least, the bloodline of the junk scavenging pilot turned Jedi has become a quite the mystery and subject of great debate, which, why not have here?


"She's Luke's daughter"


I counter with "Luke Skywalker? I thought he was a myth."


If Luke did conceive a child, why was he not training her as a Jedi?


How would Kylo Ren not know he has a cousin? Or that there was ONE other survivor from the massacre he committed?


Why hide her on Jakku when Han or Leia would have been safer choices?


It also seems WAY too predictable for anything written by JJ Abrams. The man who made Lost and Alcatraz is NOT going to make it that easy.


Rey being a Kenobi has merit. We know that Obi-Wan Kenobi did speak to Ray in her vision. Then again, so did Yoda. But Obi-Wan and Duchess Satine of Mandalore were rather close. Now it is entirely possible when they were together, something happened and there was a child, and the line continued. This brings up the abandoning her on Jakku.


Long lost daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa was another theory I had heard, but how would neither of them recognize their own daughte and why abandon her on Jakku? Wouldn't Kyle Ren or Leia feel the connection? And she seemed rather young when she abandoned, and there is a 9 year difference between Adam Driver, age 32, and Daisy Ridley, age 23.


My own theory is this:


Rey is the granddaughter or even the great granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine


This has gotten rather mixed reactions from people I have told it to, some thinking it is crazy or stupid and others liking it.


But here is my logic:


1) Emperor Palpatine ruled the Galactic Empire, a corrupt, evil, tyranical government, for 23 years (he ruled a grand total of 36 years, 13 as Supreme Chancellor, and 23 as Emperor). In those 23 years, it is not impossible to imagine he may have forcefully taken a slave. It could have been even before Endor, and when he died, the woman vanished, or even before, and managed to escape. Coruscant is city upon city upon city upon city upon city upon city and so forth to a point where some people have never seen the sun, very easy to get lost and possibly escape. Woman escapes, has child and that child has Rey.


2) The first true power Rey demonstrates with the Force is when she is being interrogated by Kylo Ren and not only blocks him, but even peers into his greatest fear: "You...you're afraid you'll never be as strong as Darth Vader." Emperor Palpatine was always believed to be capable of mind reading, as seen in many interactions with Anakin in Revenge of the Sith, talking to him about the Jedi not trusting him, knowing he wanted the secret to save people from death, and even that Padme was Anakin's wife (which no one except one priest on Naboo and two droids knew) and in Return of the Jedi when he tells Vader he senses his desire to continue looking for Luke.


3) It would make sense to abandon her on Jakku if she was related to Palpatine. It is a very remote planet, perhaps even more remote than Tatooine. The shattered remains of the Empire, and even the First Order would want the heir of the Emperor.


4) Her fighting style was stabbing and slashing. We saw how effective Palpatine was at stabbing and slashing.


So any other theories people want to share?








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Actually... That's not a bad idea, and would fit in rather nicely with the "Snoke is Plagueis" theory. It's got a nice thematic ring to it. Palpatine's Master against Palpatine's descendant, this time with the forces of evil gambling on the Skywalker to end the Palpatine as has already happened. Using the old trilogy as a basis and then swerve for the new trilogy does sound close to what they're trying to do here.


However, I still think it's more likely to be something more obvious as this IS the same J.J. Abrams who gave us John Harrison. But it is a nifty theory I've not seen before.

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Something just hit me after reading this...Rey seemed to fight like Palpatine did with his saber.He had a jabbing motion and she did too

No offense, but if you're gonna go by that you could just as easily say she's Han's daughter because she flew the Falcon . . . or she was resistant to the Jedi Mind Trick so she must be Jabba's daughter . . . or she had an English accent so she must be Tarkin's daughter.

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Something just hit me after reading this...Rey seemed to fight like Palpatine did with his saber.He had a jabbing motion and she did too


No offense, but if you're gonna go by that you could just as easily say she's Han's daughter because she flew the Falcon . . . or she was resistant to the Jedi Mind Trick so she must be Jabba's daughter . . . or she had an English accent so she must be Tarkin's daughter.

Or that finn is related to lando because he's black (which is an actual theory I've heard).


Actually this palpatine theory isn't too bad. I doubt she s Luke s daughter. Like the man said... That would be too obvious.

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