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No more slave Leia merchandise....ever?


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This is a pretty interesting bit of info:




Considering who's in charge now (Disney) and the way our hyper-sensitive society rolls these days, I can't say this surprises me that much. Does it really bother me? Not really. Like everything else related to the OT, it's been done and redone to death. If you really want slave-related stuff, it's still out there. Personally the only bit of merch I really need is one action figure. I've got it, I'm good.


If this is true I guess the ones really hurting will be the 6" Black Series collectors. They may be stuck with that first version forever.

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For God's sake. Leave Leia alone. The whole thing was far from the most degrading treatment women have suffered in the name of cinematic entertainment. If anything, the original Disney Princess comes out of the whole sequence looking pretty darn heroic.


If they wanna play women's activist, how about complaining about Monica Potter and a 10-year-old girl, bound, gagged and being terrorized by a maniac with a gun and a teddy bear in SAW. Or Heather Matazarro, strung up naked and sliced and diced in Hostel 2 (they actually had pictures of THAT painted on BUSSES!).


Fine thing when Avengers, Star Wars and all things Disney become the target dejour of every drooling wanna-be watchdog out there, but torture porn gets a free ride.



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Slave Leia is soo tame compared to the image that a lot of female pop stars are out there portraying these days. So I don't think society really gives a sh*t, but Disney is hyper sensitive about their image and if upper middle class soccer moms start agitating they're gonna play it safe more often than not.

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I don't think society really gives a sh*t, but Disney is hyper sensitive about their image and if upper middle class soccer moms start agitating they're gonna play it safe more often than not.


Pretty sure Disney would have made a bigger stink about Amy Schumer's "parody" if she wasn't pushed by the "progressives.".


Maybe this is a move to safeguard against garbage like that?

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I don't think society really gives a sh*t, but Disney is hyper sensitive about their image and if upper middle class soccer moms start agitating they're gonna play it safe more often than not.


Pretty sure Disney would have made a bigger stink about Amy Schumer's "parody" if she wasn't pushed by the "progressives.".


Maybe this is a move to safeguard against garbage like that?


The only reason any of this is happening is because "The Force Awakens" is opening soon. Without a major motion picture to leech attention from, some little pip-squeak would never have raised the stink. Without a major motion picture to protect their investment in, Disney wouldn't have given said pip-squeak a second thought.

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