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Star Wars: The Force Awakens' New Star Destroyer Has A Terrifying Name


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When Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens this December, it jumps ahead 30 years after the end of Return of the Jedi. That’s a long time, and as we’re well aware of the pace at which technology evolves, things are bound to have changed quite a bit. And now we know that includes a new version of the Imperial Star Destroyer, and because that’s not scary enough on its own, it has a terrifying name to boot.

Just a warning, we may get into SPOILER territory beyond this point. Just wanted you to know so you can plan accordingly.




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Like most movies, we probably won't even hear the name

I watched the OT all throughout my childhood in the 80s and didn't hear the words "Organa" or "Palpatine" until the mid 90s.

His name is Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeev!

"Whaaat? Your name's Palpy...what are you saayying??" (lol)

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Like most movies, we probably won't even hear the name


I watched the OT all throughout my childhood in the 80s and didn't hear the words "Organa" or "Palpatine" until the mid 90s.


I learned her name back in 78 when the first Star wars figures showed up.

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Like most movies, we probably won't even hear the name


I watched the OT all throughout my childhood in the 80s and didn't hear the words "Organa" or "Palpatine" until the mid 90s.


I learned her name back in 78 when the first Star wars figures showed up.


I wan't born until 79. Started watching OT Star Wars as soon as I was old enough to comprehend. I knew I liked them but the only two figures I had back in the day were Teebow and Chief Chirpa.


Not only did I not know the full names of Leia and the Emperor, I also didn't know Boba Fett wore a different belt in ESB and ROTJ. That whole time I only THOUGHT I was a real SW Fan....

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