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Can we do a roll call


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Just for fun an all. Just to see who's here, and who all is still around.


I've been here for years. I don't get to post as much anymore, A lot of people have come and gone

but this is still one of my favorite places! ADC/TNI!!!




So who's here?

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I'm here almost everyday just to check on things.. a lot less chatter, so less to check-in on.. nothing like the old days, seems everyone has moved to FB groups, lol.




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I'm still here...just barely though. I'm currently posting from my iPhone because I've been having internet and pc issues for nearly two months now. That's why I've not been around much lately. I finally broke down and admitted I couldn't fix my internet, called the cable company and scheduled a tech visit tomorrow. I'm still kicking though, just maybe not so high anymore. (lol)

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I'm still here, almost 11 years!!! :o Whoa, can't believe it!!!

I don't get to come on as much as I'd like, but here I am, now! ##1#

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Like others, I'm still here but not as often as I used to or would like (when the discussion was more lively). I check the main page every day, but the forums I check a little less. I still like it here.

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i'm still here. wow, it has been nearly 11 years for me. this was the first internet forum that i ever joined and really the only one that i still partake in.

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meh mainly stick to the main news site

the guy with 46+K posts and a frequnt leader of the daily post count is just sticking to the front page news now. why the drop off if you dont mind me asking?


sadly, i feel forums in general are slowly fading. i'm guessing but it seems like the majority of active posters are between the ages of 28-45. these days everyone just wants to click, view, and move on with little or no interaction with others aka tweet and retweet. even i find myself just viewing a post and moving on sometimes, even if i do have something to say about it.

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meh mainly stick to the main news site

the guy with 46+K posts and a frequnt leader of the daily post count is just sticking to the front page news now. why the drop off if you dont mind me asking?


sadly, i feel forums in general are slowly fading. i'm guessing but it seems like the majority of active posters are between the ages of 28-45. these days everyone just wants to click, view, and move on with little or no interaction with others aka tweet and retweet. even i find myself just viewing a post and moving on sometimes, even if i do have something to say about it.


Thats the short attention span for you...

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meh mainly stick to the main news site

the guy with 46+K posts and a frequnt leader of the daily post count is just sticking to the front page news now. why the drop off if you dont mind me asking?


sadly, i feel forums in general are slowly fading. i'm guessing but it seems like the majority of active posters are between the ages of 28-45. these days everyone just wants to click, view, and move on with little or no interaction with others aka tweet and retweet. even i find myself just viewing a post and moving on sometimes, even if i do have something to say about it.



I'm sort of on this boat, not the tweeting part, I don't tweet but I come here and I'm not feeling it anymore I have even found myself typing a post and then deleting it and thinking why bother? and I move on.

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Well I'm here & there on here.....I'm not consistent with my visits here....but the reason I come back here is the community & shiii talking....were passionate people when it comes to our "universe" here & its cool to see so many others that share my passion & that we can bust each other's chops & scare up some laughs...that keeps me coming back, the FB page is cool but kind of heartless in the way that I don't feel connected to so many random people.....here, at least I know some of your personalities. I'm glad that so many of you are willing to share your input & experiences.....

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