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A two year project finally ends


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I've been a huge Sgt Savage fan since the original debut. It was my first Joe cartoon (minus reruns of the original) and despite their size comparison to some of my original joes, I loved em. I only wish they made more than Savage, Dynamite, and D-Day (for the good guys) or that I received any of them besides Savage. That being said I've always wanted to have the team and now I do, so away we go...


We'll start with the team shots and the reference in case any of you aren't familiar with the group

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Savage will lead off here. I've never had an issue with the Capt. America knock off back story because I felt it was changed up enough, and lets face it, Cap doesn't exist in the Joe world, to me at least. A simple custom with a leg change for height and some paint. Resolute RB and copperhead from the waist down and battle kata RB elsewhere.

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Next up is D-Day, the heavy weapons and hand-to-hand guy, Renegades Duke with a new head and paint.


Next is Dynamite, demolitions, in my update I made him partially blind in one eye, he does love his explosions and it seems fitting for him. POC Duke with Res. Alley Viper legs and a new noggin.


Grill, the mechanical savant and weapons guru, is a straight up Renegades Ripcord w/ new head.

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Headbanger, the comms specialist, still enjoys his rock but gave up "hippy" for mutton chops. Res Beachhead and new head.

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Mouse, not the pipsqueak from the movie but the REAL Mouse, is the largest member of the team and the hacker/computer expert. This guy was the challenge b/c of the height issue and after many many iterations and finally getting to drop the bazooka body in favor of the Retaliation RB (two of them I might add) I finally got a towering hulk of a figure


Last but not least is Tank, the vehicle specialist, he's listed as the least developed character but he still stands out to me; a short stocky fellow with a block for a head, very distinguishable. This ones a Resolute conglomeration, Stalker and Gung-Ho as I recall.



I'll tack these on as well so you can see just how much height difference there is with Mouse, and a custom RB and Major Barrage, with the normal figures

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I'm very pleased with the final product and I think I did them some solid justice, let me know what you guys think!


Thanks to The Angel Forge for D-Day, Grill, Savage, and Headbanger

And Onyx Phoenix Productions for Mouse, Tank, and Dynamite

Awesome head sculpts all around, now if only my painting could do them justice.

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