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Toy Fair 2014 GI Joe news


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The Hasbro Panel is starting, already some good news, what do you guys think? So far here's some from the feed:





GIJoe Kre-O's contunue with more sets at TRU.


2 more Kreon figure assortments.


Outpost Defense with 97 peices and Storm Shadow and Beach Head.


Firebat Attack with 292 piezes comes with Firebat and Wolverine.


Kre-O Terrordrome. 856 peices, Hawk, Gungo, Mainfram, Serpentor, Xamot










TRU exclusive 3.75" 2packs, Low Light vs, Night Viper. Snow Job Vs Artic BAT, Blowtorch Vs Heat Viper, Cobra Tropper and Cobra Viper Officer. and more.


Vehicle packs include Snow Wolf and arctic skyhawk and Vamp MKII with Flint and Urban Night Landing Raft with Cobra Ell.





hmm... I was expecting a bit more, lol.



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I'm really looking forward to the new Kre-O stuff, especially the Terror Drome!


They have been giving that line a lot more love than the 3 3/4" stuff. It's a lot easier to get too, as it's all in stock most of the time on the TRU website.

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Oh, I'm also pretty excited about the 3 3/4" vehicle sets. Will be trying to get my hands on both of them.

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Joe you can definitely get my Hawk from the 3 pack. I will be getting that one, the LJ and Baroness. Plus the classic style Flint and Vamp.... guess I will have to get the stupid NL and Eel too though.


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It's nice that they're giving fans another crack at that Hawk and Low Light. I wish they would have given us another crack at the Night Viper in proper colors instead of that red deco.


I'm thinking I'll go with Lady Jaye/Baroness and the Mark II Vamp with Flint.


Everything else looks mostly like reissues of stuff I have or repaints with color schemes that don't interest me.


Good to see a little more GI Joe trickle out, though.

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first, I am really glad that we are getting Joe product on the shelft again. It's a little disappointing though that they have to go this route instead of a full on regular series release at full retail. I feel GiJoe is strong enough that they shouldn't have to rely on multipacks of mostly re-issued figures as TRU exclusives.


there are only a total of 18 figures being released.

7 of 18 figures are straight re-issues with little or no changes.

3 of 18 are re-decos of figures we already have.

7 of 18 are new kitbashes from the concept cases.

1 of 18 is a new unseen kitbash (Ice Viper)

so pretty much 8 new figures out of 18



2 packs

Low-Light vs. Night Viper - This set is a little frustrating to me. I am sure there were lots of people unable to score Low-Light, so I don't really mind that he is exactly the same as POC version. Still, it would have been nice if he were slightly different. However, the Night Viper stings because I wish they released him in the original green deco. I never scored one because he was nearly impossible to get at retail. They are re-releasing half a dozen figures in these sets, why did they decide to change ONLY Night Viper?


Snow Job vs Arctic B.A.T - only thing different about SnowJob is grey camo/hat instead of green. The Arctic BAT isn't bad, but it's something I never needed. They could have done a more interesting figure here. So really, this set is kinda unecessary because we already have the Snowjob and could use a better 2nd figure.


Blowtorch vs H.E.A.T. Viper - I love the HEAT Viper figure... another gem from the concept case we saw a while back. But Blowtorch again? The Blowtorch looks like the exact same figure from the POC line. You would think they would have at least went with the unreleased green variant. Cheap move by Hasbro on this one.


Baroness vs Lady Jaye - Lady Jaye looks like the version from the concept case. Baroness is pretty much the same figure from the 2009 5pack. This set is boring for me. Hard to tell if the face sculpts are any good.



3 Packs

Cobra Trooper, Cobra Viper, Beach Head - I love this BeachHead figure! He will quickly become one of my favorites from the last couple of years. I really wanted Hasbro to do this figure when we saw the concept case and the khaki version from the Retaliation 3-pack. As for the Cobras, we already have that Cobra Trooper, and the Viper is just kinda okay. He definitely wasn't one of the stars of the concept case. ... they could have found some better figures to stick in there.


Destro, Leather Neck and Hawk - I really like this set. The Leatherneck and Destro are much needed improvements over their previous releases. I am very happy to get both of them. I also don't mind seeing Hawk here, even though another new figure would have been preferable. I never got that Hawk, but I am surprised that they didn't change up the paint scheme on him. He looks to be exactly the same.


Vehicle Sets

Cobra Wolf with Ice Viper vs. Arctic Sky Hawk with Arctic Snake Eyes - The WOLF was alwasy one of my favorite vehicles. And the Ice Viper looks badass. I do like Skyhawks, but an arctic Skyhawk? I can't help but think something else would have been more suitable here and they are just going with this because it's cheap and they already have the Skyhawk mold ready to go. The arctic Snake Eyes is just a repaint of the Pursuite of Cobra figure. They were going to release this arctic version but canceled it. It's alright I guess. So I guess I am going to buy this set just for the Wolf and the Ice Viper. The Skyhawk and SE are okay, but could be something better.


VAMP MkII with Flint vs. Cobra Eel with Night Landing Craft. - The version with the classic VAMP MKII is the one I hope to get at retail. The Flint looks like the one from the concept case I loved. The EELS is okay in that color scheme and I have always liked the Night Landing raft.. but it seems like an odd pairing. We all know Hasbro had the Night Landing craft ready to go for the movie stuff.. so looks like they are just cutting costs here. The grey urban deco MKII and Flint is alright, but not something I need. If I did pick it up I would probably try to wipe the urban deco off and just have a straight grey MKII.



figures I wish we were seeing released: concept case GUNG HO, concept StormShadow v2, concept Hit n Run, concept Laser Viper, concept Televiper, concept Stinger driver, concept Zartan,

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CLAM I agree with a lot of what you're saying about the 4 inch reveals. I am pretty pumped for the Leatherneck figure, and hope they announce some other Joes from the previous concept cases in the future (notably Hit and Run, Rock n Roll, Shipwreck, and Gung Ho). I would have preferred the concept Gung Ho instead of a re-release of Hawk, that way you could have the Joes two most popular marines in the same pack.

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Leatherneck is really the only figure I'm interest in for what was shown at Toy Fair, The Terror Drome did look cool, but just not enough into Kre-O's to be work paying $100 for.



Leatherneck is probably my favorite of the new figures.


the ones I really like are:



HEAT Viper




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Leatherneck is really the only figure I'm interest in for what was shown at Toy Fair, The Terror Drome did look cool, but just not enough into Kre-O's to be work paying $100 for.



Leatherneck is probably my favorite of the new figures.


the ones I really like are:



HEAT Viper





I just don't really feel the need for another Beachhead, Flint or Destro. This was the same issue with last years Ultimate wave (Well that and I never saw them at retail), as nice as those figures were I just didn't really feel the need for yet another Storm Shadow, Snake-Eyes and Cobra Commander. The ones I already have are fine, and the Heat Viper is ok, but don't need another blowtorch. Would have much rather seen figures like Footloose, Iceberg, Cover Girl and Big Boa re-released, though I am sure those are all off limits since they were sold through the Club.

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I just didn't really feel the need for yet another Storm Shadow, Snake-Eyes and Cobra Commander. The ones I already have are fine,



Same here. Particularly where Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow are concerned. At this point, with the prices so high, you really have to look back and as if what you have already isn't good enough. At least I do.


I guess I'm kind of surprised that I'm only seeing ONE SE and no Dukes, CCs, or SSs.


I'm guessing the best price we can hope for on these would be $20 per 2 pack? I hope it's no higher than that.

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I love those UW figs from last year but to be honest of I had not gotten them at retail price id not care. They are good but not that much better than other versions. Destro and Flint I see as much much better though. So those I will definitely get one way or another. The rumor I am seeing is that the brown Vamp and classic Flint are SDCC or Joe club exclusives though... saw it on another board and FB.... I hope to hell not!!


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It's nice to see that Toys R Us has stepped up to the plate and saved G.I.Joe for a third time and I think we're getting a nice showing for something that is going to be a store exclusive. I just hope that they produce it in numbers that will meet the demand. Sure we're getting a mix of new and old, but it's not all bad. They have a fixed budget to work with and so seeing older figures re-issued is not really a problem. Especially when some of those figures are harder to find. It's also funny to see a lot of people wanting that concept version two Storm Shadow after seeing people complain about every wave being Se, SS, CC and Duke. I could do without some of the figures and see them getting "tossed" aside. I just hope this sells enough to maybe get another wave next spring. If not it will be a long Joe drought until G.I.Joe 3 hits sometime in 2016(if we are lucky).

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The Ultimate Wave had figures that were much better than their previous releases... namely Storm Shadow and Cobra Commander.


You might not have needed another version, but I don't see how anyone could pass them up when they are so good. I mean that Stormy is one of the best figures in this scale ever.



As for Destro, Flint, and Beach Head. The only v1 Destro we have sucks, this one is 10x better. So if you like Destro at all, you have to get him. The Flint and BeachHead figures are finally pretty much just as they should be done. I am psyched for both of them.

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