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IS the minimate line still going?

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Thanks for the info, I couldn't find it anywhere. Sad to hear. Those RGB minmates were great and I'd love to see more, or even rereleases of the movie ones (as I didn't get into to minimates intill i saw the RGB ones)

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I think it's pretty much done. There could have been one or two more RGB mates possible but overall I think Art Asylum did a good run. We got pretty much all the characters in both Ghost Busters movies. You can pretty much recreate most of the movies scenes if you bought all the 2packs and 4 pack sets. They even made the Statue of Liberty! lol

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The only thing missing is the Ecto-1...


The ecto leaves a huge hole in this line being perfection.


Other than that, a few mates I would have liked, though its scraping the bottom of the barrel: maybe GB1 Janine, and civilian clothes Winston? Dunno how it would have turned out, but a Baby Oscar accessory?

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