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New member here, PLEASE help my I.D. these old cereal puppets!


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First off, I love the forum guys, I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to take the dive and make an account!

And for my first post, I bring these to the table of discussion.



Each one has the same backing, no dates or production information.

I've tried doing some research online but I haven't found one single page or picture of these same puppets. what I have found out is that they range from 1958-1964, as that's when "Mr. Scarecrow" was used to market a corn cereal.

Has anyone seen these before?

Why do they say "Mortons" on the back,if the characters belong to General Mills and others?

Someone here knows!

Thank you ahead of time.

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First off, I love the forum guys, I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to take the dive and make an account!

And for my first post, I bring these to the table of discussion.



Each one has the same backing, no dates or production information.

I've tried doing some research online but I haven't found one single page or picture of these same puppets. what I have found out is that they range from 1958-1964, as that's when "Mr. Scarecrow" was used to market a corn cereal.

Has anyone seen these before?

Why do they say "Mortons" on the back,if the characters belong to General Mills and others?

Someone here knows!

Thank you ahead of time.


Cool puppets man, and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately Ive never seen these before, but I'm sure that maybe someone else on the forum has. Are you trying to sell these?

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perhaps try searching for forums that have people who collect advertisement/signs ?.. Not trying to scare ya away from here its just another way of finding out what ya got is all

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Yea thanks synch I've thought that too, and that's what I may end up doing. I figured you guys would enjoy looking at these anyways!

And grayson, I would consider offers. Are you interested?

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Those are cereal prizes from the 70s. Im not sure who Chip-o Boy is. Maybe a Spanish cereal or something. You have the Trix rabbit, retired Cheerios mascot Cherrio boy, and Mr Scarecrow from Country Corn Flakes. There were others like Kaboom Clown and a few others.

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Those all look like they were produced later than mine, because the skates that the Trix rabbit is using appears to be from the 50's-60's as well. All of the puppets have the same Mortons backing.

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