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A toast to Green Lantern


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ah.. pretty funny... most of those heroes had some pretty crappy movies lol



I think a Hawkman movie would be badass

well it couldn't possibly be as bad as Green Lantern was

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*sigh* Y'know, I wanted to like Green Lantern really bad. I've never been a Green Lantern fan to begin with, but...I don't know. For some reason the look of the movie and the concept behind it as portrayed in previews and stills were really appealing to me. And I do like it, but...I can see why people don't love it. There's alot of flash and not enough substance to it, at least for me. It was like eating cotton candy...it looks really good and it's fun to eat and tastes good, but there's not alot to it, it's gone really quick, and it leaves you feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled.


I have to admit, I was kinda prepared to feel the same way about Captain America; as with Green Lantern, I always felt like Captain America as a character was kinda stodgy and hokey to begin with, and the movie was another attempt to captalize on the comic book movie craze sweeping Hollywood as of late while serving as a thin set-up for The Avengers. Boy was I wrong!! I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I'm sure they took several liberties with the origin story. I've never read any Captain America books, outside of appearances in other books I read regularly or the occaisional Avengers one-shot I happened to read, but I knew enough to know he was Steve Rogers and that he was a weakling with a huge heart that was given a "super soldier" serum to become Captain America, and I knew he fought Nazis and Hydra, along with The Red Skull, but I never knew what their connections were or what the whole story was, and I didn't know how Captain America survived to the present day, although I always assumed the "serum" granted him long life somehow. I just really enjoyed how they told his story and how everything was portrayed. And wow...Hugo Weaving could not have been more perfect for the part of The Red Skull!! He sounded and acted exactly like I imagined he did all of these years. Since I loved it so much, along with the awesome Iron Man movies, I'm really looking forward to The Avengers, although I've not see Thor, but I hear it's really good too.


Oh yeah...A Toast to Green Lantern was hilarious. (lol)

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yeah, Green Lantern sucked. Ryan Reynolds wasn't right for the part.. or maybe he was, but they had him play it entirely wrong. The costumes sucked. And the villain was absolutely laughable

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(lol) I actually liked Parallax, or at least the idea behind the character, but Hector Hammomd was far funnier and more ridiculous, albeit one of the more disturbing comic movie villains I've seen in a long time. *brrr* That guy would creep out Batman Return's Penguin. (lol)


And I agree about the casting of Ryan Reynolds. I like the guy, but...he never seemed to take the part seriously, or at least he played the part that way, and so I didn't take it seriously. He's too much of a pretty-boy, "leading-man-in-a-romantic-comedy" type to be taken too seriously, even for a comic-book movie. But I did overall enjoy Green Lantern. It's just not a classic in my mind like other great comic-book movies.


You know, now that I think of it, Green Lantern should have been played by Brian Williams from NBC's Nightly News. (lol) Seriously, the guy's probably too old, and of course he's a news anchor (lol), but Hal Jordan in my mind was never a young, cocky test pilot that was brash, irreverent, and impulsive; he was more of a stoic, righteous boy scout not unlike the wholesome Superman that could just as soon read you the nightly news and help little old ladies aross the street as save the planet. (lol) But maybe that's the image one gets when the only view of the character one has is from scant comic readings from late-1970s DC comics. Or maybe they wrote and cast him in the movie the way they did to modernize him and make him more hip/and/or appeal to the lady comic fans. I'm just sayin'. (lol) After all he was recently voted the "Sexiest Man Alive" by People Magazine. Personally that doesn't exactly scream epic and legendary DC hero to me, but anyway...

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