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All DC Figures half off at Target.


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I saw this in the ad yesterday and thought I would share. Target has all of their DC, Batman, and Green Lantern figures for half off. I had to go by there this morning and DCUC and Batman Legacy sinles figures were $7.99 ( they had a mix of waves 17 & 18), the Batman Legacy 2-packs were $14.99, and the Young Justice 6-inch figures were $9.99, as well as all of the smaller figures. I hope any of you who were holding out for any of these get them for those great prices.

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I went to Target today with my two matty collector $5 off coupons for 6" DC Universe figures.


I was able to get the Young Justice Robin and Artemis deluxe figures for $5 a piece...There was much rejoicing in my house afterwards.

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Hmmm, I'll have to check this out. Although all my Target seems to have still is Dr. Impossible and Cyborg. Maybe I will just buy them so that I don't ever have to see them there again. Thanks for posting! Anyone's Target have Blue Lantern Flash and Orange Lantern Luthor by any chance?

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I went to Target today with my two matty collector $5 off coupons for 6" DC Universe figures.


I was able to get the Young Justice Robin and Artemis deluxe figures for $5 a piece...There was much rejoicing in my house afterwards.



I got a $5 coupon today when I got my figures from Matty.I have Man At arms coming too..Dou you know if Matty will send another coupon out ? I ask because did you have to spend a certain amount of money at Matty to get even one coupon?

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Hmmm, I'll have to check this out. Although all my Target seems to have still is Dr. Impossible and Cyborg. Maybe I will just buy them so that I don't ever have to see them there again. Thanks for posting! Anyone's Target have Blue Lantern Flash and Orange Lantern Luthor by any chance?


Mine had them and then they quickly disappeared. Now I think they have the wave with the classic Hawkman, which no one seems interested in.

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If your like me and your local Wal-Mart has a better selection, remember WM will price match.



I have two Walmarts in my area..One that doesn't carry the DCUC and the one that does has a million of the Power Girls wave the refuse to mark down

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If your like me and your local Wal-Mart has a better selection, remember WM will price match.



I have two Walmarts in my area..One that doesn't carry the DCUC and the one that does has a million of the Power Girls wave the refuse to mark down


Same here. My Walmart doesn't carry DCUC. Plus I tried this before when they did carry DCUC, they wouldn't price match without an ad. Not even the receipt was enough. They wanted an ad.

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If your like me and your local Wal-Mart has a better selection, remember WM will price match.



I have two Walmarts in my area..One that doesn't carry the DCUC and the one that does has a million of the Power Girls wave the refuse to mark down

i'm getting that power girl figure for x-masbiggrin.gif
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My Target just has some of the Blackest Night wave and Magogs. However I did manage to complete my wave 17 by getting White Lantern Hal for $2.99 w/my Matty coupon.

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2.99 if you have the $5 off coupon

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