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Who still needs some love?


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Trailbreaker for one seems to be forgotten about. Also no love for the other Dinobots. While shockwave has gotten the nod, I want a Generations version. Jetfire size please.


Also feel free for some Omnibots, Blaster, and Jumpstarters.

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Definitely Trailbreaker. Also Huffer, Gears, Windcharger and BRAWN!

They can redo the Dinobots in Voyager class. Grimlock is too dinky now.

Mirage could get a mulligan.


The pack in Ravage that came with Hound was great. More cassettes that size please.


Oh, and somebody make a Scrounge. I luv that lil' guy.

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Are you talking about that little 2 inch Windcharger? I don't count him.

We got classics Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. I want the remaining four minis in that size. They can be smaller than the regular Classic, but at least the size, or slightly bigger, than 'Bee.

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Are you talking about that little 2 inch Windcharger? I don't count him.

We got classics Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. I want the remaining four minis in that size. They can be smaller than the regular Classic, but at least the size, or slightly bigger, than 'Bee.


Not sure what you're talking about, but the Windcharger that was released (Scout class) is just barely shorter than the Generations Perceptor in robot mode. Trust me, I just checked the shelf they're both on.

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Brawn,Beachcomber,Windcharger have already been made in the scout size and that's how I want them as I didn't like the size they did Bumblebee or Cliffjumper sorry that I got Cliffjumper in that big size. I hope they do a scout size of him. Anyways the ones I like to see done are.





the rest of the Throttlebots

The Stuntcons

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Brawn,Beachcomber,Windcharger have already been made in the scout size and that's how I want them as I didn't like the size they did Bumblebee or Cliffjumper sorry that I got Cliffjumper in that big size. I hope they do a scout size of him. Anyways the ones I like to see done are.



I'd be perfectly content with them making a Scout Class Cliffjumper for you, if they also revisit Brawn and Windcharger in the larger size. :)

And add Hoist and Skids to my list.

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How can I forget Skids he still hasn't got any love other then in the Marvel Comics.

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How can I forget Skids he still hasn't got any love other then in the Marvel Comics.

He got an Alternator figure. Then his legacy and name were abused by Mike Bay's atrocity.


BTW, when I was a kid, I only had two Transformers comics that I read and reread for the longest time. One was the awesome issue 8. And the other was issue 20 which starred Skids all by himself.

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Are we just talking about g1 here, or any tf series? Because beast wars could use some love: new versions of inferno, tm megatron, rhinox, rampage, etc. would be great.

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How can I forget Skids he still hasn't got any love other then in the Marvel Comics.

He got an Alternator figure. Then his legacy and name were abused by Mike Bay's atrocity.


BTW, when I was a kid, I only had two Transformers comics that I read and reread for the longest time. One was the awesome issue 8. And the other was issue 20 which starred Skids all by himself.



That is funny I also have the Alternator figure of him and that is how I remeber about him. I agree that Bay screw up Skids he propelly figure that he didn't make to many show ups on the G1 Cartoon that he can make a joke out of him.

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Alternators and Classics/Generations are two separate lines to me.


I also don't count "movie" versions like that Brawn they put out last year.



Add some Insecticons to the list. Bombshell, Kickback, and Shrapnel would all look awesome "Classic-ized".

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