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Got my Legion box set


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I want one, anyone have an extr one lmk in a pm.

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What's with the empty space next to Timber Wolf? Was that intentional, or just a result of the packaging having more spaces than intended figures?


Yea its intentional. That's supposed to be "Invisible Boy".... All part of Matty's twistedness....


Oh, OK. I should have known that. Thanks for the quick response.


I'm not collecting DCUC anymore, but if I were a rich man I'd definitely have bought this (and I'd still be collecting DCUC).

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What's with the empty space next to Timber Wolf? Was that intentional, or just a result of the packaging having more spaces than intended figures?


Yea its intentional. That's supposed to be "Invisible Boy".... All part of Matty's twistedness....


Oh, OK. I should have known that. Thanks for the quick response.


I'm not collecting DCUC anymore, but if I were a rich man I'd definitely have bought this (and I'd still be collecting DCUC).


You're welcome. I ment to say Invisible Kid, not "Invisible Boy". I haven't been collecting anything at all from Matty, due to the bullsht that they pulled over the summer with the subs... The only way that I would buy something that they make, is if I get it at a ridiculously low price. For instance most figures now range in the $17-19 on the toy market (of course on the secondary market, some Matty items can cost as much as a house or sports car). But I would only get a $17-19 figure, if I find it for $5 - 8 and no higher than that price. It's rare nowadays but its still happens-- over the summer I found a DCUC wave 4 Cyborg (the original and not the sonic arm crap), for $4.99 still sealed. But other than that I'm done with Matty and their garbage-- until they stop their quality control, overpricedness, and condescending "Cherry Pickers" Vs. "True Fans" bullsht... Most people don't seem to care about that kind of stuff, but my pride and dignity are far more important to me, than some figures that I "need"....

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One of these days I'm gonna put my entire DCUC collection on display. I have the entire collection (except for the reissues with no C&C). They are all MOC & will look effing STUNING mounted on my wall like wall paper. The Legion is a fine addition to my DC collection. 40K & going strong.

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What's with the empty space next to Timber Wolf? Was that intentional, or just a result of the packaging having more spaces than intended figures?


Yea its intentional. That's supposed to be "Invisible Boy".... All part of Matty's twistedness....


Oh, OK. I should have known that. Thanks for the quick response.


I'm not collecting DCUC anymore, but if I were a rich man I'd definitely have bought this (and I'd still be collecting DCUC).


You're welcome. I ment to say Invisible Kid, not "Invisible Boy". I haven't been collecting anything at all from Matty, due to the bullsht that they pulled over the summer with the subs... The only way that I would buy something that they make, is if I get it at a ridiculously low price. For instance most figures now range in the $17-19 on the toy market (of course on the secondary market, some Matty items can cost as much as a house or sports car). But I would only get a $17-19 figure, if I find it for $5 - 8 and no higher than that price. It's rare nowadays but its still happens-- over the summer I found a DCUC wave 4 Cyborg (the original and not the sonic arm crap), for $4.99 still sealed. But other than that I'm done with Matty and their garbage-- until they stop their quality control, overpricedness, and condescending "Cherry Pickers" Vs. "True Fans" bullsht... Most people don't seem to care about that kind of stuff, but my pride and dignity are far more important to me, than some figures that I "need"....


I'm actually much the same way. I did the MOTUC sub the first year, but on principle alone I didn't do it this year or sign up for next year's because of the way they pimped it at every turn, trying to goad fans into buying through scare tactics and such. I also don't care for their price hikes. Remember when buying more figures in a pack meant a better price? Now they just multiple the cost of a single figure by the number of figures in the pack, thereby getting rid of any incentive to purchase something so expensive. And now they won't even make toys unless they're guaranteed sales ahead of time, sight unseen, via subscriptions. They're warping the toy collecting industry, and I don't care for it.


The Four Horsemen have such an impact for me. I think they're good guys who do outstanding work. I support them, so I have to support Mattel as a result (which I was fine with until Toyguru and company got so self-impressed about two years ago).


Some of the figures in this pack are really sweet. That Karate Kid is nasty.

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Free them from their plastic prisons!!!!


CAPITAL IDEA ROLLO!! Everyone on the count of 3 rip into your prized MOC grails! Sorry bro but moving the arms & legs once or twice & then sending it to a shelf dust grave is just not for me. More power to thoes who do take that route.

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Ha ha,!! Yeah, if all you do is free them then pop em up on a shelf, why bother!!! Do what you want with them!! It's your hard earned money!!! Doesn't make you less of a fan, or does it?? :P

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What's with the empty space next to Timber Wolf? Was that intentional, or just a result of the packaging having more spaces than intended figures?


Yea its intentional. That's supposed to be "Invisible Boy".... All part of Matty's twistedness....


Oh, OK. I should have known that. Thanks for the quick response.


I'm not collecting DCUC anymore, but if I were a rich man I'd definitely have bought this (and I'd still be collecting DCUC).


I didn't know either but figured it was something like that ... why make a clear figure when you can just make a empty package space lol

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I'm keeping mine moc for now, Just need to put up my shelf to display.


the whole sub vs cheery picking doesn't bother me , I buy what I like , and I like 99% and 1% gets used for custom or gifts. All toy prices are going up , I mean the real steal toys are 16-19$ dollars 4 years ago they would of been 7-10$. Im sure soon matty won't be able to give a discount to the subbers or probably decrease the discount, That's the way I see it all prices are rising everywhere on all toys and subbers for now are getting a discount.


I really don't think are are rising prices to push people into subs, prices are rising cuz they are rising and most places usually give subbers a discount, just like buying bulk or a getting season passes at Disneyland or anywhere. In most cases it's always cheaper to the customer to buy bulk or a pass if the customer is going to use the pass more than once or getting most of the products out there. If they started like this they would be the same just like any other business, but they didn't and held off that practice till now which really pissed people off but things are bad out there and non-essential things are always the first to go up, . If down the line the price gets to high for me than I will buy fewer or not at all, same as if the price stays the same but the quality goes way down , in that case I won't buy anymore at all.


Matty has done many mistakes like the hiring of Digital River , the use of using that conner store logistics method of shipping with out giving the ability to choose ups, the Gleek thing, and the crappy sale day web page over loads, but some stuff is out of their hands like the charging of taxes that they legally had to cuz California laws (they have wherehouses and businesses building here) and other things are up to the profit and business side. I say if your mad and want things your way no matter the situation then don't buy , enough people get mad and don't buy than two things will happened , things change or they will stop producing. Funny Marvel U figs go for the same Marvel Legends did 6 years ago with out big , accessories, comics, or any other pack ins.

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It really aggrivates me that some people have already gotten their Legion set. I bought this item last Monday and it hasn't even shipped yet. Does it really take one whole week to ship these items out? C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I haven't even gotten that Icarius/Flipshot figure yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I bought Wave 19 AFTER I bought the legion set. I think I bought them last Wednesday or Thursday and they are already out for delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If Matty really plans on keeping this subscription thing going, they need to do something about shipping. This is the third year (?) I've done the subscription thing and it seems like it takes longer and longer to get the figures.


I bought the MOTUC, DCUC, and VOLTRON Subs for 2012. If Matty keeps their shipping as is for next year that means Ill get the 2012 figures by the time I retire. I'm 32.

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It really aggrivates me that some people have already gotten their Legion set. I bought this item last Monday and it hasn't even shipped yet. Does it really take one whole week to ship these items out? C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I haven't even gotten that Icarius/Flipshot figure yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I bought Wave 19 AFTER I bought the legion set. I think I bought them last Wednesday or Thursday and they are already out for delivery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If Matty really plans on keeping this subscription thing going, they need to do something about shipping. This is the third year (?) I've done the subscription thing and it seems like it takes longer and longer to get the figures.


I bought the MOTUC, DCUC, and VOLTRON Subs for 2012. If Matty keeps their shipping as is for next year that means Ill get the 2012 figures by the time I retire. I'm 32.



Ah That has to do with that stupid logistics corner thing that they use to lower shipping cost. I would gladly pay 8$ for shipping if I get to pick u p s, I could have my stuff in 2 days instead of a week. It's crazy they use 1 part ups the rest u s postal service. I live 20 minutes away from the warehouse, I get my stuff from and when I get my sub stuff it comes by u p s and it takes 2 days Max. But when I use the corner store logistics crap they pick up the stuff from that warehouse send it to arizona and then, send it back from arizona back to california it usually takes a whole week. Maybe they give you an option to pick solely ups but I did not see it last time

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