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Toys R Us exclusive Janine & Sam Hain 2 pack out now!


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Hello everyone, just to let you guys know. I went to my local TRU yesterday (South Ca) and they had the new mattel's real ghostbusters Janine and Sam Hain pack. I didn't get as I didn't have enough cash (it was $50 plus tax)so no pics (sorry for that).


While I really love the way Janine looks, (her face looks just like the cartoon's second design) Sam Hain's head is somewhat lacking in detail, you can immediately tell it's him, but when compared to the cartoon image that appears on the box you can see the facial expression is not there (cartoon image looks evil while the figure appears to have a "stale" kinda neutral face). Accesory wise they did good as Janine comes with a proton pack/wand, ghost trap, PKE meter and ghost snifer, there's even a Firehouse cardboard diorama that's 22" tall which looks very cool, and finally there's slimer. While he looks good he comes with a closed mouth smirking face, rather than with the most common open mouth look so if you look at him from a distance you can't really make out much of his face save for the eyes, he also seems to be a bit out of scale with the rest of the figures from the line (he is smaller than he should be).


Overall I like the pack and want to get it (mostly for Janine) but at 50 plus I'm gonna have to wait a while for it (maybe when they get a discount as I don't see them moving much).

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I just found them at my TRU. If you wanna buy my Janine, Slimer, and/or the extra equipment, I only want Sam Hain and the firehouse backdrop.
Hello, thanks for the offer but I finally decided to go ahead and get the set.
No biggie. Anyone else wanna buy Janine, her equipment, and Slimer?
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