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History's TV Top ShOt


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Is anyone else enjoying and following this show? I come home from work to watch this every Tuesday night. IT is up to Season 3 with the Bulldog gatling gun. As I do enjoy the challenges between the two teams, my favorite part of the show is showing you, the viewers, how each weapon works in real life. I knew the two women of the show would be eliminated. It's not sexist, its their nature. Women just can't the handle the pure pressure situation.

It's easy to shoot a gun at a target at a firing range with no pressure. You think its real simple. But add another competitor shooting next to you with money on the line (or sinking a putt shot with $5 million dollars on the line) the pressure is immense.

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I never knew about this show until this season, but I've been watching and enjoying it quite a bit.

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I didn't like the latest episode with the rocks, knives, and tomahawk. The competition with the weapons really bored the heck out of me. Especially the rock part where the competitors were just chucking the rocks like little girls at the targets instead of THROWING like a man.

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I get to see it at work. My patients love it, and I'm envious. :D


I would love a chance to show off how well I can shoot, ...with a Hand Gun. ;) Other than that, I'm out of my league. There is no way I can compete with trained snipers.


I dunno, from what I've been seeing this season (never saw any of the other seasons), even some of the "experts" don't seem to be very good shots.


I've always been a really good shot with a rifle, and it amazes me how these so-called pros can miss a target from 20 or 30 yards when a little bit of pressure is added to the situation.

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