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Ross is getting goods again!


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Went in to Ross for the first time in a bout a month and they had restocked the rare Dusty/rockslide and Volcano Vipe/lava pod, plus both mech's. The Python Patrol Raven, Vamp and Rage! Some of this mine never had before like the mech's and rockslide. Bough the rockslide for Dusty. So keep an eye out if you had given up on finding some of this a few months back like I had!


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I've seen all these mentioned above round these parts mainly in small trickles, butttt I totally missed the Wolfhound when it came out, I wanted to get it but it seemed like here only TRU had em & they were almost 30 bones! So I waited for a sale that never came & just like the MP Starscreams they were here and gone too quickly. If anyone sees it let me know I've been making my rounds lately (gas prices are killing my hunts) and have yet to see one in the wild. Thanks for the Intell.....

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my Ross re-stocked the mechs, i grabbed another Steel Marauder for H.Y.D.R.A. that makes 3 so far for $7.99 ea., sweet deal. keep em' comin', ROSS!

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