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2011 SDCC Day 1: DC Direct Panel


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2011 SDCC Day 1: DC Direct Panel

by JayC


DC Direct has long been known as one of the most creative companies that produce collectibles for the direct market, producing your favorite action figures, statues, and busts for over ten years now. DC Direct director of product development Jim Fletcher along with artist Adam Hughes, DC exclusive sculptors, and others discuss their line of current projects, as well as future plans revolving around the new DC Universe.


We are bringing you live coverage of this panel so be sure to refresh your browser often of the course of the next hour.


- Comic Book Portfolio Sets available at the Graphiti booth here at Comic-Con.


- Jim Lee joins the panel.


- Flashpoint Action Figures - Worked with Andy Kubert on these figures. The Zoom exclusive figure is for sale at the Graphiti booth as well booth #2314.


- DC Direct now has more access to DC Talent such as Jim Lee. They are doing figures based on the new JLU reboot series by Jim Lee. Series 1 has Batman and series 2 has Superman. Green Lantern Wonder Woman, Flash are in the works but not assigned to waves yet.


- Arkham City figures are in the works including Harley Quinn. More figures will be revealed later today. Green Lantern Animated statues and such are coming.


- Flash And Green Lantern figures are coming for DCU Online series.


- More Cover Girl states by Adam Huges coming. Raven and Death are next in the line.


- Swamp Thing Bust coming.


- DC Minimates were canceled due to sales and not likely to return.


- Sideshow Toy will not effect what DCD does.


- Vertigo stuff hasn't seen strong sales so nothing new is planned for it anytime soon.


- DC Direct listens to the message boards.


- No 12" stuff at the moment, mainly cause Hot Toys does such a good job with those.


- Articulation on a figure is usually based on the aesthetic of the toy.


- There will be a DCD panel at NYCC.


Panel Over. Check back later for more images from the DC Direct booth at SDCC..

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