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If you enjoy Mattel's Retro DC Action Figures, please sign this petition to keep the line going!




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To the team at Mattel, please continue the DC Retro line of action figures.


If retail stores don't seem like a profitable solution, then consider making these Retro figures as exclusives on mattycollector.com or consider an annual subscription service.

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Yeah they where not that proper [ms] at my store that I work we only got series 1 we never recive any other series and the ones that we still have are Luthor and Sinstro. So I don't see them making anymore sorry.

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I just don't see them doing anymore of these but I'll sign the petition.


How many times can you buy the same charachter? I mean i have Super Powers, The Timm animated stuff, and DC Classics and i'm thinking of selling off my massive animated collection b/c all it is are scale/style changes.


To each his own i guess- Wasn't around when mego was king.

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I love the old Mego figures but seeing these in the stores make me angry at the missed opportunities.

Its pretty sad when the head sculpts from the 70's make these look like bootleg carnival toys.

I was dying to give Mattel my money on these. Blah.


Reboot or quit.

Offer at least the exclusives in the early window box style.

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I didn't even like them that's why I never bought any of them so I'm glad that this line has die.

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