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Chris Evans in classic Cap costume


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This a scene in the movie and chris Evans in classic cap costume.



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I predicted a moment like that from day one. Having the classic uniform be a 'parade' costume and different from his functional mission costume. Cool to see it actually being done though. Too bad they didn't add in the big red buccaneer boots.

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There should be a scene like this in every superhero movie. Show all the fanboy puristis who want a direct comic book costume translation that....yeah, it just doesn't work. :)


Blasphemy! the outfits should be kept the same otherwise the movie will be crap.lol In fact the one thing wrong with this image is that the costume doesn't have the chainmail in the chest and shoulder area.

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if you ask me, if you want something to look bad then thats pretty easy to do. marvel always bashes the classic costumes in the movies. people should drop all the comics if you ask me because marvel seems to hate them and when i look at the new reebok costume spidey has in the new movie, hell i go classic any day. spidermans costume is the best costume ever made from comic to movie. they did a great job on this. sometimes when you see spidey swing around the city, they just showed how well done the costume was made. it is a wonder that cap isnt dressed in black lol.

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There should be a scene like this in every superhero movie. Show all the fanboy puristis who want a direct comic book costume translation that....yeah, it just doesn't work. :)


Nice try..



But it looks like they were trying to make this one look as ridiculous as possible.

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dude.. they just put him in captain america pajamas. there is no detail or texture at all to it. So don't try to say it won't work or looks stupid.


seeing the Spiderman costume on screen proves that ANY costume can work on screen

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can make any costume work if it's done right. Spider-Man is a prime example.


I think Hollywood changes things like costumes just for the sake of change most of the time. Look at Green Goblin from Spider-Man. Did the costume they went with look any less ridiculous than the comic costume? I think it actually looked more ridiculous really.

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There should be a scene like this in every superhero movie. Show all the fanboy puristis who want a direct comic book costume translation that....yeah, it just doesn't work. :)


Actually, the cap costume works great. The movie director ect.. obviously wanted to go with a look that made the costume look homemade, which is what you are seeing.


They wanted it to look a bit rediculous, b/c they want to compare it to their version of the costume later on as superior.


It looks bad on purpose.

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As far as the costume goes, if they redid the mask and neck thing... It would still be pretty descent for me. I don't mind not having the chain mesh, i think it's a little annoying how travis charest and others did it post 2000.


What i do notice is noone seems to remember that the GA Cap costume does NOT have the stripes go around his midsection. It should stop on the sides and have the back be just blue.

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