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Aquaman TV show Pilot


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Its supposed to be reality people don't wear costumes in real life they would be locked up


Chefs wear career specific clothing.

Police Men wear career specific clothing.

Firefighters wear career specific clothing.

Doctors wear career specific clothing.

Superheroes wear career specific clothing.


The "real life" argument doesn't fly as this is a work of fantasy / fiction; and let's face it - superheroes do wear costumes in real life.




Oh give me a break your telling me Wolverines yellow costume would f worked on screen? and if somebody did do superherp stuff they would be considered vigilantes plus since they wear costumes.They would be sent to the looney bin.Get over the fantasy part...These as I said are supposed to set in real world settings.

Some people just like to be contrary for the sake of being contrary. I can't believe people are making a fuss because Aquaman isn't in his comic outfit, especially since its his origin story and not him as an actual superhero.

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Oh give me a break your telling me Wolverines yellow costume would f worked on screen?


Why wouldn't it if they took the time and care that they've been taking with Iron Man and Thor? Now Captain America. While the costumes aren't 1:1 accurate to the comics, they're a damned sight better than the post-Wachowski Matrix era black leather on everybody that seemed to be fashionable. Granted that was also backed up by the financial success of the leather clad Blade 1. Problem is the bean counters aren't visionaries, otherwise they'd be artists and directors.


You can't design art by committee and unfortunately that's what Hollywood has been reduced to in most cases.


Get over the fantasy part...These as I said are supposed to set in real world settings.


Get over the wider audience accepting your hobby.


These are comic book movies. People don't shoot laser beams out of their eyes in the real world either.


If you think about it, if you controlled lightening - do you honestly think anyone would stop you from dressing however the F you like? Hell no. You control the f'ing lightening and naysayers would be smote!


In an era where we have goth kids, guidos, thugs, and other dressing like jabronis do you really think someone with the ability to boil your blood would care what you thought of their fashion sense?

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Oh give me a break your telling me Wolverines yellow costume would f worked on screen?


Why wouldn't it if they took the time and care that they've been taking with Iron Man and Thor? Now Captain America. While the costumes aren't 1:1 accurate to the comics, they're a damned sight better than the post-Wachowski Matrix era black leather on everybody that seemed to be fashionable. Granted that was also backed up by the financial success of the leather clad Blade 1. Problem is the bean counters aren't visionaries, otherwise they'd be artists and directors.


You can't design art by committee and unfortunately that's what Hollywood has been reduced to in most cases.


Get over the fantasy part...These as I said are supposed to set in real world settings.


Get over the wider audience accepting your hobby.


These are comic book movies. People don't shoot laser beams out of their eyes in the real world either.


If you think about it, if you controlled lightening - do you honestly think anyone would stop you from dressing however the F you like? Hell no. You control the f'ing lightening and naysayers would be smote!


In an era where we have goth kids, guidos, thugs, and other dressing like jabronis do you really think someone with the ability to boil your blood would care what you thought of their fashion sense?


I'll said it before i'll say it The costumes as we know them don't work filmed in the real world


No matter your argument you cannot change that

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Oh give me a break your telling me Wolverines yellow costume would f worked on screen?


Why wouldn't it if they took the time and care that they've been taking with Iron Man and Thor? Now Captain America. While the costumes aren't 1:1 accurate to the comics, they're a damned sight better than the post-Wachowski Matrix era black leather on everybody that seemed to be fashionable. Granted that was also backed up by the financial success of the leather clad Blade 1. Problem is the bean counters aren't visionaries, otherwise they'd be artists and directors.


You can't design art by committee and unfortunately that's what Hollywood has been reduced to in most cases.


Get over the fantasy part...These as I said are supposed to set in real world settings.


Get over the wider audience accepting your hobby.


These are comic book movies. People don't shoot laser beams out of their eyes in the real world either.


If you think about it, if you controlled lightening - do you honestly think anyone would stop you from dressing however the F you like? Hell no. You control the f'ing lightening and naysayers would be smote!


In an era where we have goth kids, guidos, thugs, and other dressing like jabronis do you really think someone with the ability to boil your blood would care what you thought of their fashion sense?


We are talking about the real world according to audiences. I made this point on the thread about the new Captain America costume. Some character costumes don't translate well from comics into the big screen. Amazing is that costumes for Spiderman and Superman seem to be timeless but that is not always the case for others. The traditional X costumes would of looked silly if they did a direct translation. I agree with the overuse of the black leather outfits and believe we should see a hybrid closer to the original outfits. Seriously could you imagine today's audiences paying to see a traditional Captain America costume in a movie......better yet, imagine if they tried to make a Batman movie with the classic and original Robin costume. I boy in bright colors with skimpy shorts and winged shoes.........yeah it won't fly.

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I'll said it before i'll say it The costumes as we know them don't work filmed in the real world


Repeating incorrect information doesn't make it a truth.


No matter your argument you cannot change that


You're right:




Looks terrible!


Seriously could you imagine today's audiences paying to see a traditional Captain America costume in a movie......better yet, imagine if they tried to make a Batman movie with the classic and original Robin costume. I boy in bright colors with skimpy shorts and winged shoes.........yeah it won't fly.


Robin is a garbage character that shouldn't even exist in the comics.


I don't know any comic fan growing up that wanted to be Robin over Batman. The whole "sidekicks for kids to relate to" logic was busted when these characters were created, it's still busted.

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Ganesha i'm talking about now...


Of course it worked back then but back then people weren't so damned cynicle.Batman works Supermqan works but some don't they would look like it was just a fanboy in costume

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I think the Robin concept proved valuable over time. At least it allowed for an expansion of the Batman family with Nightwing, a way to incorporate the cool design of the Red Robin costume into continuity... even the Damien as Robin idea is good, and possibly the one that makes the most sense. I think the Bucky concept works better than Robin, though.


I hate the typical Hollywood "put everybody in black leather, that always works" stuff, too. I think it worked for Blade, because he was fighting in a modern, urban enviroment and his old costume looked a little dated even when it first appeared. I completely understand the argument some are making here that even Superman's costume looks dated today (especially the whole wearing your drawers on the outside thing) and would look silly "in real life". But the funny thing about that is... you know you'd still be thrilled to see those iconic looks done right on the big screen lol.

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Long post incoming, not intended to be incendiary; but just to expand my thoughts on the matter:


Ganesha i'm talking about now...


2010, where we have even more potentially amazing special effect techniques and artisans working in film?


Of course it worked back then but back then people weren't so damned cynicle.


It worked in 1975 because Richard Donner and Warner Bros. burned some serious calories to do the character and franchise justice.


If you're not going to spend money or do the work, then yeah you end up with the TV Spider-Man (no slight to fans of that, but growing up in that era even as a kid I called it crap), the Corman Fantastic Four, and that goofy Captain America.


In 2010 there's no excuse to not have amazing Superhero movies. The reason Superman Returns wasn't so hot is because Bryan Singer was too busy trying to insert himself into the Donner continuity; and a fudged up script.


Imagine how successful Batman Begins would have been if Nolan tried to pick up the ball Schumacher left for him and run with it. Bat-nipples and neon rollerblading hooligans, woohoo!


All I'm saying, is rather than parrot the tired, tired, tired - "It won't work in the real world" - first SHOW ME it won't work.


And no, Corman FF or bad cosplay does not count. Spend a fraction of what was budgeted for X-Men or Batman Begins and show me professional designed costumes inspired by the comics; not the Wachowski Bros. or whatever cinematic fad is en vogue at the time you're making the movie.


Hell, look back at the reports that the crew behind the non-Corman FF movie re-though Mr. Fantastic after seeing The Incredibles. That shows you right there that if they production team and director have no clue, then your comic movie is screwed. If you can't work from the foundation that Stan & Jack gave you and make a fun movie; then you're doing it all wrong.


With today's technology and special effects, there's absolutely no reason comic book movies shouldn't be done reasonably well. Not to harsh on the Wachowski Bros. either, they've done the best animation to live action translation ever with Speed Racer.


Sure it tanked at the box office, but if we judged everything based off of commercial success; when we wouldn't even be discussing comics. Speed Racer is the "funnest" two hours in a theater I've spent in recent memory. Once again, that's a testament to the vision and direction of the staff behind the movie.



Batman works Supermqan works but some don't they would look like it was just a fanboy in costume



Again, show me; and not bad cosplay. Show me something that cost more than $100 at Jo-Ann Fabric and several hours on a sewing machine by a hobbyist. Not to take anything away from good cosplay.


Two years ago I saw a great classic Wolverine cosplayer, complete with retractable claws. That level of passion, plus a couple of thousand from the development budget of Warner Bros. or Disney could churn out one hell of an impressive movie Wolverine.













To crib a slogan: YES WE CAN!


Until these studios show me it can't be done; with a good budget, good director, and good production values; read: Not the Corman FF, then I'm not going to buy that line of crap.

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I don't know any comic fan growing up that wanted to be Robin over Batman. The whole "sidekicks for kids to relate to" logic was busted when these characters were created, it's still busted.


You know one now.

I was always gonzo for Robin, instead of Batman and it was exactly because I could relate to the age of the character better.

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How anyone can say the Superman costume doesn't work? First off, its not underwear that he wears on the outside its trunks like how a wrestler wears, same deal with the boots. Superman, Batman, and Spiderman have iconic and timeless costumes that just work. Part of why Singers pathetic version didn't work was that he took liberties with the costume, he basically casted and made an girly Superman costume. Tiny "S", skimmpy speedo shorts, long mid section.........he was appealing to a different rolleyes.gif demographic if you know what I mean..and if you knew his personal life then you understand why he went the way he went.


The X costumes didn't need to be completely all leather black, but the comic versions would not of worked. A nice hybrid of both styles would of been nice.


Robin is a cool characters.............he has stood up over time better than Bucky, current Robin or Nightwing is cooler than ol'stupid Bucky.

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Long post incoming, not intended to be incendiary; but just to expand my thoughts on the matter:


Ganesha i'm talking about now...


2010, where we have even more potentially amazing special effect techniques and artisans working in film?


Of course it worked back then but back then people weren't so damned cynicle.


It worked in 1975 because Richard Donner and Warner Bros. burned some serious calories to do the character and franchise justice.


If you're not going to spend money or do the work, then yeah you end up with the TV Spider-Man (no slight to fans of that, but growing up in that era even as a kid I called it crap), the Corman Fantastic Four, and that goofy Captain America.


In 2010 there's no excuse to not have amazing Superhero movies. The reason Superman Returns wasn't so hot is because Bryan Singer was too busy trying to insert himself into the Donner continuity; and a fudged up script.


Imagine how successful Batman Begins would have been if Nolan tried to pick up the ball Schumacher left for him and run with it. Bat-nipples and neon rollerblading hooligans, woohoo!


All I'm saying, is rather than parrot the tired, tired, tired - "It won't work in the real world" - first SHOW ME it won't work.


And no, Corman FF or bad cosplay does not count. Spend a fraction of what was budgeted for X-Men or Batman Begins and show me professional designed costumes inspired by the comics; not the Wachowski Bros. or whatever cinematic fad is en vogue at the time you're making the movie.


Hell, look back at the reports that the crew behind the non-Corman FF movie re-though Mr. Fantastic after seeing The Incredibles. That shows you right there that if they production team and director have no clue, then your comic movie is screwed. If you can't work from the foundation that Stan & Jack gave you and make a fun movie; then you're doing it all wrong.


With today's technology and special effects, there's absolutely no reason comic book movies shouldn't be done reasonably well. Not to harsh on the Wachowski Bros. either, they've done the best animation to live action translation ever with Speed Racer.


Sure it tanked at the box office, but if we judged everything based off of commercial success; when we wouldn't even be discussing comics. Speed Racer is the "funnest" two hours in a theater I've spent in recent memory. Once again, that's a testament to the vision and direction of the staff behind the movie.



Batman works Superman works but some don't they would look like it was just a fanboy in costume



Again, show me; and not bad cosplay. Show me something that cost more than $100 at Jo-Ann Fabric and several hours on a sewing machine by a hobbyist. Not to take anything away from good cosplay.


Two years ago I saw a great classic Wolverine cosplayer, complete with retractable claws. That level of passion, plus a couple of thousand from the development budget of Warner Bros. or Disney could churn out one hell of an impressive movie Wolverine.



In the 70's it was a different time..Didn't you ever see the styles they wore? Hell costumes were the norm



I see you put up Hellboy...Theres nothing wrong there plus The Rocketeer? Dude they dressed like that back then he was a pilots standard clothes of the time .The only thing that made it a costume was his helmet but tell me do you think Shazam's costume would look good on the screen? GL's does possibly maybe because of his color scheme.


Let me be more specific because your points are good but there are some that don't work.Wolverine and Shazam as I have said.I just should say this too


I never made myself clear and thats my fault some you can do like Spidey,Bats and Superman but some you can't do without changing the costume a bit possibly into different colors then we are used to

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In the 70's it was a different time..Didn't you ever see the styles they wore? Hell costumes were the norm


Fashions of the era are not relevant to the point as if you want to be completely cynical superhero costumes have always looked ridiculous no matter the time period.


I see you put up Hellboy...


I like Hellboy the idea, but outside of some awesome art; I feel Mignola's comics are a lot of terribly unrealized potential. As is, it's Mignola giving readers a quick overview of his knowledge of obscure and esoteric mythology and folklore.


Del Toro takes the movie in a different direction; but ignoring story differences Hellboy is a great adaptation of a comic one could call "hard to do".


Theres nothing wrong there plus The Rocketeer? Dude they dressed like that back then he was a pilots standard clothes of the time .The only thing that made it a costume was his helmet but tell me do you think Shazam's costume would look good on the screen? GL's does possibly maybe because of his color scheme.


Dave Stevens took his liberties with the design of the Rocketeer, and he created a visually impactful character. Take a look at the US fighter pilots of that era, it's not exactly the same attire.


Let me be more specific because your points are good but there are some that don't work.Wolverine and Shazam as I have said.I just should say this too


I never made myself clear and thats my fault some you can do like Spidey,Bats and Superman but some you can't do without changing the costume a bit possibly into different colors then we are used to


You can argue this into the ground. I say show me a comic influenced big budget costume that looks bad for a new project, and then I'll agree. Until then we're not going to agree on this.


Saying "it won't work" and then never actually trying doesn't prove anything.


Hell Elvis like Shazam so much he cribbed his costume design; and it's become an inconic look for the celebrity:




I would totally see a Shazam movie with the existing costumes. I'm still salty they canned the last movie, I thought Dwayne Johnson would have made a fantastic (looking) Black Adam.

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The Rock would be awesome as Black Adam

Oooo I'd like to see that!

Obviously some costumes can be done right. Iron Man & Dark Knight for example.

Then they can totally go wrong too. Nipples on bat suits?!

It's only a matter of getting a good design & designer.

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The Rock would be awesome as Black Adam

Oooo I'd like to see that!

Obviously some costumes can be done right. Iron Man & Dark Knight for example.

Then they can totally go wrong too. Nipples on bat suits?!

It's only a matter of getting a good design & designer.





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How anyone can say the Superman costume doesn't work? First off, its not underwear that he wears on the outside its trunks like how a wrestler wears, same deal with the boots. Superman, Batman, and Spiderman have iconic and timeless costumes that just work. Part of why Singers pathetic version didn't work was that he took liberties with the costume, he basically casted and made an girly Superman costume. Tiny "S", skimmpy speedo shorts, long mid section.........he was appealing to a different rolleyes.gif demographic if you know what I mean..and if you knew his personal life then you understand why he went the way he went.


The X costumes didn't need to be completely all leather black, but the comic versions would not of worked. A nice hybrid of both styles would of been nice.


Robin is a cool characters.............he has stood up over time better than Bucky, current Robin or Nightwing is cooler than ol'stupid Bucky.



I love how you roll your eyes at "different" demography when superman's costume looks just as gay either way and you worship the guy. I guess your statement says more about you than his "s" being slightly smaller.

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How anyone can say the Superman costume doesn't work? First off, its not underwear that he wears on the outside its trunks like how a wrestler wears, same deal with the boots. Superman, Batman, and Spiderman have iconic and timeless costumes that just work. Part of why Singers pathetic version didn't work was that he took liberties with the costume, he basically casted and made an girly Superman costume. Tiny "S", skimmpy speedo shorts, long mid section.........he was appealing to a different rolleyes.gif demographic if you know what I mean..and if you knew his personal life then you understand why he went the way he went.


The X costumes didn't need to be completely all leather black, but the comic versions would not of worked. A nice hybrid of both styles would of been nice.


Robin is a cool characters.............he has stood up over time better than Bucky, current Robin or Nightwing is cooler than ol'stupid Bucky.



I love how you roll your eyes at "different" demography when superman's costume looks just as gay either way and you worship the guy. I guess your statement says more about you than his "s" being slightly smaller.


Its not about worship, I stated that Spiderman's costume is classic and timeless as well though I am not big on Spidey. Some characters just don't need a huge makeover while others do. Superman never looks gay, I have never even really heard people who bash him say that. Your just trying to rile people up as usual. If superman looks gay then all comic heroes look gay, dudes with capes and bright colors and a host of other nonsense in skin tight clothing. Singers Superman WAS GAY and was a posterboard for that lifestyle. I remember people at my job questioning why Superman was designed so gay looking in the Returns film.

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How anyone can say the Superman costume doesn't work? First off, its not underwear that he wears on the outside its trunks like how a wrestler wears, same deal with the boots. Superman, Batman, and Spiderman have iconic and timeless costumes that just work. Part of why Singers pathetic version didn't work was that he took liberties with the costume, he basically casted and made an girly Superman costume. Tiny "S", skimmpy speedo shorts, long mid section.........he was appealing to a different rolleyes.gif demographic if you know what I mean..and if you knew his personal life then you understand why he went the way he went.


The X costumes didn't need to be completely all leather black, but the comic versions would not of worked. A nice hybrid of both styles would of been nice.


Robin is a cool characters.............he has stood up over time better than Bucky, current Robin or Nightwing is cooler than ol'stupid Bucky.



Bucky was dead for many years and he was brought back recently with his return handled much better than Jason Todd's. Robin, well........ at least Bucky didn't sleep with Captain America, lol. As for the show itself the fact that it didn't get past a pilot pretty much sums up what was wrong with it, costume or no costume. Which is a shame because Aquaman is such a cool character it would make a very cool movie or show had it been handled properly.

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Which part of those episodes showed him swimming? I sorta fast forwarded through it because I was looking for him in costume. I missed the action.


haha. This guy's answers are awesome. What a tool.

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Ganesha wrote:


Get over the wider audience accepting your hobby.


These are comic book movies. People don't shoot laser beams out of their eyes in the real world either.


Amen. I hate when naysayers claim "it won't work". First of all, people (ie general audiences) know and understand that superheroes wear colorful costumes! They expect costumes! Not BMX biker jackets, not jeans and flannel jackets. Costumes!


It makes no sense to say "oh, well, Superman's costume is timeless and so is Spiderman's, but not Wolverine's or Thor's". Until someone can show me a survey or in-depth study showing that audiences would not accept traditionally costumed characters on the big screen, that excuse is sheer bullshit. It gets parroted eternally, but yet nobody who parrots it ever seems to have looked into the situation or even given it serious logical thought.


And I agree with Ganesh about not pointing to the Corman Cap movie and "Show me something that cost more than $100 at Jo-Ann Fabric and several hours on a sewing machine by a hobbyist." Really, we're talking about movies that costs tens of millions of dollars. They can do perfect costumes.


For those who claim Wolverine's costume is too bright, look at Hellboy - neon red. The Mask - neon yellow. Dick Tracy - super neon yellow. And let's say for sake of argument (and going against proven, historical fact) that bright yellow for Wolverine is too bright. Ok, why not use his brown costume? Or how about just toning down the yellow like they did for the red in Daredevil?


I hear lots of claims about how superhero costumes won't work, but no actual proof or logic.


Ganesh wrote:


Saying "it won't work" and then never actually trying doesn't prove anything.


I agree. I remember how that idiot Bryan Singer lectured everyone on how the Xmen needed "realistic" costumes, only to put them in skin-tight BMX biker leather bodysuits. Yeah, lots of range of movement in those! No, or course they won't die of heat exhaustion in summer or stiffen into statues in winter (from stiff frozen leather). Nah, that's certainly realistic! Oh, and Magneto's costume, of course that looked totally normal and "realistic", right?




Yeah, a collar-less suit with a bright red cape and a mis-colored/mismatched purplish helmet. Totally realistic!

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