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I started this set back in December by making a Hal Jordan Green Lantern from a Build'N'Brawl Chris Jericho figure just to see how it turned out. I initially used the CJ head and I was reasonably happy with it. I also did a head using a Legacy Han Solo figure and tired the DCIH Hal out for size. I then went trawling through 25th Anniversary GI Joe figures and eventually settled on the Specialist Trakker.


The set has come a long way since then. When NJC50 was announced, I was already 6 figures and one redo into it. Then I started going through Tales of the Sinestro Corps, and the latest runs of Green Lantern and Green lantern Corps and the set has bloomed.


I will be posting a couple of updates a week for the next few weeks, each with a particular theme, and I will keep it to this thread.


For starters, Hal Jordan. Green Lantern 2814.1


Hal Jordan, flight jacket:




Head: 25th Specialist Tracker

Torso/Arms/Hands: 25th General Hawk

Legs: Build'N'Brawl Series 4 Deuce



Hal Jordan, USAF Test Pilot:







Entire figure: 25th Captain Ace

Alternate Head: Specialist Trakker



Hal Jordan, Green Lantern Sector 2814:




Head: Specialist Trakker

Body: Build'N'Brawl Series 4 Chris Jericho



The patch on the left arm of Hal's flight suit is the actual logo of the 419th Flight Test Squadron based at Edwards Air Force Base, as Hal is in the current run. After I did the GL figure, I decided that I wanted to do an 'Hal Jordan Evolutions' set. I still haven't ruled out doing Parallax and The Spectre.


Update #2: Legends of the Corps:


Abin Sur:


Hal Jordan's predecessor in Sector 2814:




Head: Cast from the Green Lantern PVC Set 1 Abin Sur

Body: Build'n'Brawl



Sinestro, Green Lantern Sector 1417:




Head: Cast from the Green Lantern PVC Set 1 Sinestro

Body: MLS Mister Fantastic

Left Hand: Spy Troops Depth Charge


I have not seen many customs of Sinestro in his Green Lantern uniform. With the number of flashback stories there have been, I had to add one to my collection.


Okay, I think this is teh one a few people have been waiting for:


The Central Power Battery:








Top: push-on battery dome light mounted on a piece of plumbing pipe and a piece of clear perspex shaped into the Lantern symbol

Middle: 12 inch world globe

Base: Plastic bowl

Lamps: plastic cereal bowls

Paint: Lotus Electric Metallic Green with gloss sealer


I did think about putting some side pieces and a handle on it, but then I started thinking why on Oa does the Central Power Battery need a handle. Who is going to pick the thing up and carry it around? Mogo? There have bee so many designs over the years, and it has been rebuilt a good few times anyway.


The Guardians:















Heads: Cast from the Green Lantern PVC set 1 Guardian.

Bodies: Star Wars Clone Wars Jawa (http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=/TCW/Basic/08_Jawas/TCW-2132.jpg)

Tabards: printed out onto bright white inkjet vinyl


Unfortunately, Ganthet was not quite finished in time for NJC50. I covered over the lower part of the Jawas' robes with milliput to smooth out the ridges and give it a neater bottom.


Great job - I like them all!


Great way to sneak Hal Jordan into the Joeverse if that's your thing. I'll eventually do something similar I'm sure.


Thanks for sharing!


Great job - I like them all!


Great way to sneak Hal Jordan into the Joeverse if that's your thing. I'll eventually do something similar I'm sure.


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks. No real intention of putting Hal into the Joe-verse. It just worked out those were the best base figures for the job.


It's Wednesday!!!! :-D So without further ado:


Alan Scott:




Head: cast from Green Lantern PVC set

Torso/Arms: Indiana Jones KotCS Colonel Dovchenko

Legs: Build'n'Brawl

Cape: softgoods


I wasn't originally going to make an Alan Scott figure, then i remembered how much interaction he has had with the other GLs of Sector 2814 and realised that I had to do one. The belt at the waist hides a multitude of sins where the top and bottom half are joined. I managed to make a template for cloaks and high collars that works for me so I stuck a piece of purple cotton to a piece of green and cut the pieces to shape.


The rest of Sector 2814 is coming on Saturday., then something a little different next Wednesday.


Another Saturday, another update. This time the other Green Lanterns of Sector 2814:


Guy Gardner:




Head: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Miz

Torso/Arms: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Domino

Legs: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Stone Cold Steve Austin



John Stewart:




Head: Green Lantern PVC Set 1

Figure: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Chris Jericho



Kyle Rayner:




Head: Green Lantern PVC Set 1

Figure: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Chris Jericho





Those are some really sweet customs. I found the build n brawl figures to be to small for my liking. You however have done a fantastic job.


It's Wednesday again! Time for the next update. I should point at here that the set now stands at 44 completed figures with 5 more being worked on and another 8 not even started. After that there are about 20 more to start. For now, a couple of characters that get little love. I can't ever recall seeing a Radu Stancu custom, and I'm not sure about Tom Kalamaku.


Radu Stancu:






Head: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Stone Cold Steve Austin with sculpted moustache

Body: Build'n'Brawl Series 4 Deuce

Apron: logo printed onto inkjet cotton

Jug/cup: Playmobil with logo printed onto inkjet vinyl


For those who don't know the character: Radu Stancu was a member of the army special forces in Romania during the regime of Nicolae Ceauºescu. He joined teh security police and later fled the oppressive regime to live in America. He now owns a coffee shop in Greenwich Village and was Kyle Rayner's landlord for a time.



Tom 'Pieface' Kalamaku:






Head: Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Short Round

Body: VOTC Bespin Luke Skywalker


And so another Saturday arrives, and with it the start of my Green Lantern Corps, ya poozers!.


Salaak, Green Lantern Sector 1418, Chief Administrator Green Lantern Corps:




Head: Green Lantern PVC Set 2

Body + both sets of arms: MLS Mr Fantastic


I needed a figure that was slightly thinner and slightly taller than a standard 4 inch figure. The MLS Mr Fantastic was perfect. I managed to get hold of a spare one for an extra set of arms. After sculpting the shoulder armour, I drilled a hole just above the waist on each side, hollowed out a socket and filled them with a small amount of green stuff until the balls on the shoulders were a good fit.



Kilowog, Green Lantern Sector 674, Green Lantern Corps Drill Instructor:




Head: MU Red Hulk cast sculpted over

Body: MLS Thing


This is a repaint and re-sculpt of the figure I made a few years ago to go with my Microman GLC. I originally used a cast of the head from the Green Lantern PVC Set 2 Kilowog, but I was never too satisfied with that one, so when I started on this new set, I had to do something about it. In the end, I Found that the MU Red Hulk's head was about the right size, so I cast one, fit it to the neck joint and sculpted his features. This time I am happy.



Arisia, Green Lantern Sector 2815:




Head: Comic Pack Shira Brie

Body: MU Ms Marvel

Skirt: vinyl

Hands: Microlady


Tomar Tu, Green Lantern Sector 2813:




Head: Green Lantern PVC Set 2

Body: Build'n'Brawl Chris Jericho


Or Tomar Re. Take your pick. ;-)



Torquemada, Green Lantern Sector 3521:




Head: Plague Trooper Commander Guillotine

Torso/Arms: Build'n'Brawl Deuce

Legs: Build'n'Brawl The Miz

Coat: Killuminati at Urban Rev Toys


This character has fascinated me since his first appearance in Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #4. Not just a Green Lantern, but also a Master of the Mystic Arts. I wanted a soft-goods coat for him, but my skills are not up to this level, so I commissioned one from Killuminati. It is a joy to see and work with. The hood is wired so that it can be posed up or down.


It's Wednesday, but this time it's time for something completely different.


One thing I love about customising Green Lantern figures is that with all the wealth of history behind the various incarnations of the comics, there are so many interesting and unusual characters to choose from, so here are some of the ones that have attracted my attention over the years. I was so happy with the 'Agamotto the All-Seeing' set I made a couple of years back, I decided to see if I could turn my hand to making some Green Lanterns in a similar vein. There are still a few more like these that I want to try making.:


Rot Lop Fan, F-Sharp Bell Corps Sector 911:


In loudest din or hush profound,

My ears catch evils slightest sound.

Let those who toll out evils knell,

Beware my power: The F-Sharp Bell!




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/rot-lop-fan/29-49711/


Head: Sculpted over a Venom head

Body: Secret Saturdays Lizardman



Apros, Green Lantern Sector 3:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/apros/29-46419/


Completely sculpted



Larvox, Green Lantern Sector 17:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/larvox/29-47876/


Head/Body/Arms: Sculpted

Legs: cast from WWE mini figures



Charqwep, Green Lantern Sector 501:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/charqwep/29-53990/


Completely sculpted


I have two more GLC updates to post, after that I will post more from the Corps as I get them done.


This is part 3 of my Green Lantern Corps set. Part 4 will be on Wednesday, but will probably not be the last as I consider this to be very much an ongoing project.


Medphyll, Green Lantern Sector 586:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/medphyll/29-47255/


Head: Sculpted from epoxy with model railway scenics added

Body: Build'n'Brawl



Ash, Green Lantern Sector 650:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/ash/29-49702/


Head: Trigate

Torso/Arms: Indiana Jones KotCS Rocket Launcher Indy

Legs: Build'n'Brawl

Waistcoat: Indiana Jones KotCS Mutt Williams



Graf Toren, Green Lantern Sector 424:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/graf-toren/29-46405/


Head: GI Joe Plague Trooper Guillotine

Figure: Wolverine: Origins Maverick

Waistcoat: Indiana Jones


This is almost it for my Green Lantern Corps. I have one more finished, one WIP and I am waiting on a figure for a third. After that, maybe another half-dozen in the planning stages that I will get to as and when.


Stel, Green Lantern Sector 3009:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/stel/29-47279/


Figure: Repaint of a Deep-Dive Iron Man



Green Man, Green Lantern Sector 2828:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/green-man/29-47281/


Head: ARAH Road Pig

Body: Build'n'Brawl



Ganthet, Green Lantern Sector 0:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/ganthet/29-6951/


Head: Green Lantern PVC Set 1

Body: Clone Wars Jawa


I will be coming back to revisit the Green Lantern Corps very soon. I have several Corps members started and parts coming for others. For now, it's time to visit the other side of the tracks. For the most part, my Rogues Gallery comprises first appearence or at least classic versions of GL villians, with one or two tweaks.


Thaal Sinestro:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/sinestro/29-10448/


Head: Cast from PVC Set 1

Body: MLS Mr Fantastic



Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris):







Figure: MU Black Widow

Mask/Tiara: inkjet vinyl



Hector Hammond:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/hector-hammond/29-10210/


Head: cast from PVC Set 1 Guardian, modified

Body: Star Wars Legacy Willrow Hood (Ice Cream Maker Guy)

Chair: scratch built from MDF and Milliput with clear plastic stand



Black Hand (William Hand):




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/black-hand/29-31977/


Head: Trigate, modified

Body: Build'n'Brawl

Cloak: dark blue cotton


Two more updates to come for the Rogues Gallery. Still working on one custom and a couple of others in the planning stages.






Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/myrwhydden/29-56447/


Head: Modified cast from PVC Set 1 Guardian

Body: Ben 10 mini



Dr Polaris (first appearence):




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/dr-polaris/29-10996/


Figure: MU Iron Fist

Right Hand: Microlady



Alex Nero:




Bio: http://www.comicvine.com/nero/29-10455/


Head: Build'n'Brawl

Body: Wolverine Origins Gambit

Coat: Golden Compass Lee Scoresby

Hands: Microman

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