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Which Baroness do you prefer?


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So the only 25th Anniversary/ Modern Era Baroness I have is the diver from the M.A.S.S. Device DVD Pack; I skipped the first Cobra Battle Pack and never saw Wave 8 in stores until just this week (weeks after finding Wave 9 no less @grumpy@ ). So, yeah, the diver Baroness is great and 'toon accurate and all, but not very useful w/o so much as a Modern Era boat. At least the Red Divers and Eels are coming out later... So what do you guys use in your collection displays as your standard Baroness?

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Like most 25th figures, I think they look their best when a fan takes them and does a little light work on them...




Personally, I like the battle pack version. Her head doesn't move so well, but otherwise decent : ) But when you take the single pack head and put it on the battle pack body? Perfect, in my opinion.



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Like most 25th figures, I think they look their best when a fan takes them and does a little light work on them...




Personally, I like the battle pack version. Her head doesn't move so well, but otherwise decent : ) But when you take the single pack head and put it on the battle pack body? Perfect, in my opinion.




@haha@ That's an AWESOME shot!! Did you do that Tom?


I agree with you btw...on the combo here. I just love that look for her.

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I have both and I think the one in the five pack is the better fig. The new one is alright but unless paint unpainted areas isn't a compliment of yours, the lack of colour on the Baroness's mouth makes her look like a man. Even with you went and colour them, the toy suffers from a huge forehead.

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As far as the heads go I like the single pack better. I don't like the wind blown hair look. I did not like it on the comic pack Cover Girl either. If the single pack had round frames it would be better though.

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Like most 25th figures, I think they look their best when a fan takes them and does a little light work on them...




Personally, I like the battle pack version. Her head doesn't move so well, but otherwise decent : ) But when you take the single pack head and put it on the battle pack body? Perfect, in my opinion.



I agree!

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