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Firefly Vs. Green Shirts and Crimson Guard 5-Packs Found @ TRU


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Coming into work I stopped at TRU and saw these 5-packs.

I didn't buy any because the paint apps on the CG's don't match with the single packs. I like uniformity within my COBRA ranks. They had all silver face mask/crimson helmets, and the CG Officer had silver on the suits breast and mask where the CG Officer in the Crimson Guard Senior Ranking Officers TRU exc. 3-pack is silver. The sad thing is, I prefer the colors of the new 5-pack over the ones I have. I'd just hate to go through the hassle of getting rid of them, not that I want to. I still may end up going back and getting the 5-pack before the night is over.


I've never been big on nameless Green Shirts, and I don't care for the bluish hue on Firefly.

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Thanks for the heads up!


I am going to wait and see them in stores before I pass judgement on them...


Anybody have pics...? I tried looking for them but I can't seem to find them... :/

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im trying to figure out what exactly they all look like so that I can figure out a way to make one true to the 85 version...


I think you have to mix and match the new 5-pack figures with the 3-pack heads.


85 had black mask, silver visor, silver rope around shoulder.


wave 5 had black mask, black visor, gold rope


3-pack had black mask, silver visor, gold rope


5-pack has silver mask, silver visor, silver rope



I think... I haven't seen the 5 pack in person yet

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